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TK has kindly provided info on the new RWR.


Some important points to take note of by modders.


If you like it, maybe we can sticky this in the Knowledge Base


The ALR-69 RWR display can identify radar type and display different symbols. The symbols you're likely to encounter in the game are:


2 = SA-2

6 = SA-6

8 = SA-8

Z = ZSU-23-4 AAA

21 = MIG-21

23 = MIG-23

15 = F-15

F4 = F-4

F0 = F-104/F-105

M3 = Mirage III

U = Unknown

S = Search radar

V = M163 Vulcan AAA


(hopefully these are pretty self-explanatory)


Radars guiding missiles have flashing circle around them.


Priority threat (the tracking radar with highest signal) will have a diamond displayed around it.


Keep in mind that this can only identify radar type, and not the exact aircraft type. For example, MIG-23MS, which is an export model with MIG-21 radar, will show up as "21", not "23".


Most add-on planes will not be identified (show up as "U") unless additional data is added - for add-on planes with radars, you need to add RadarFamilyName= (and type of radar, please see stock data) in DetectSystem section to have it show up on RWR (or else, it'll show as Unknown).


And if you want to add the ALR-69 to add-on plane, you need to set RWR Type to TEWS and add ThreatLibraryList= which is just a list of known identifiable threats (again, please see stock plane data).


(and if you look through the FlightData.CAT, there are additional icons not used, such as 27,29,31 etc, for anyone wanting to build more modern threat library icon_wink.gif.




Also, even aircraft with older RWR "vector" display has slightly new feature. On aircraft with up front RHAW control panel, it'll light up different SAM button (LO/MID/HI band light) depending on radar frequency, so you can roughly determine the type of SAM radar tracking you.


Eary and late SA-2 (SA-2 B and SA-2 F) will indicate LO freqnecy band light


Mid-year SA-2 (SA-2 C and SA-2 E) will indicate MID freqnecy band light


SA-6 will light MID freqnecy band light while its searching/tracking, but moves to HI frequency band when guiding missile. But this missile guidance may not be detectable on some RWR (its using CW type radar for guidance).


SA-8 will light HI freqnecy band light



Edited by jomni

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Now that is a significant upgrade to the electronics systems for the aircrafts.

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Now if we could associate individual sounds for each threat, we'd really be in business.

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That is pretty sweet. It is much improved over the current system.

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