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Getting ships into SF2

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Can someone help me with this. I have tried to get the Spruance, koni, and Chapeav into the game but with no luck. I installed the Kynda and it works fine. I put it here along with the other ships... C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\GroundObject\Kynda: I have winXP. So cant seem to figure out the diff here between the models. Any suggestions?


PS. Forgot to add that the ships show up in Kreelins editor list and I can place them on the map. But when I fire up the game and test the mission...no ship. The ones I have working apparently include CVAN-65 and Kynda. I also checked some other ships and the only ones that show up are the CVAN-65, Kynda, Eagle, and the patrol boat. I am assuming the tanker and cargo ship showup as I havent tried them. I wonder if it might have something to do with the lods?

Edited by pcpilot

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It's next on my list to test....as soon as the Darwin (Modern) terrain is all tweeked out in WoE, all the bits are going over the SF2 for testing




I don't see WHY the ships aren't loading in game generated single missions...if the main ini is up-to-date (as per patch 3 levels, with the listings in it), all the necessary parts are present in the ship's folder (lods, data ini, main ini, skins), the gundata ini is updated with any add on guns, there should be no problem. They should be just like any other groundobject.


the mission editors, as far as I know, look into the GO folder for it's listing; I don' think that's a valid test of them showing up.


which ones in particular?? (as I've got several of Hinch's to test out) Any particular terrain? If so, are they called out in the types ini?? -like the docked ships in say, ASW or SoCal or Libya or..or..or..



kevin stein

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I have made a couple missions; one with desert terrain and the other with the Korea terrain using Kreelins editor, these arent game generated missions. I doubt the ini's are updated as the ships I mentioned are older, mostly from capuns site. What does it take to update them?


FYI, I just installed and made a mission using Kreelins editor and Hinchs' Coventry frigate and it showed up when I tried the mission ingame. So list of ships that work ingame include CVAN-65, Kynda, Coventry, Eagle, and the Patrol boat. Still no Spruance, Koni, Komar, or Chapeav.

Edited by pcpilot

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The Chapaev, as well as being inaccurate (as I discovered on locating a good Soviet plan after construction) is really old................... done in the days when lines had to be entered in the GroundObject.ini thingy, which no longer exists. I imagine you'll have to add a couple of lines to the ship's configuration file in the ship folder. Use Eagle's config file as a guide.


This might apply to the other ships also.

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From the KB, post patch 3


There is a whole new format for groundobjects. Your mods are not gone you just have to "reformat" them to the new way. No more is a groundobjectdata.ini needed, now you can install just like aircraft. Open up the main.ini of whatever groundobject you want added. Add these lines at the top....(xxxxx being the name of the object)






So for example






Once you have converted all of your objects delete all and any groudnobjectdata.inis and any data.ini you have hanging out in the main groundobject folder as they are no longer needed.



kevin stein

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Hah! That did it...well, at least I got CV-59/62 into the game. This part needed to be added for cv-62...






Yay! Still cant seem to get the koni FFG, CVN-75, and Chapeav in though. There is no data.ini for the chap. The koni has one but still doesnt work even after checking to see if those lines were there...they were. Same for the CVN75. So not sure whats up there.


Hinch, is the chapeav still available? I couldnt find it in our CA downloads.

Edited by pcpilot

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This is what worked for me on Koni (I know I used it in SOME terrain) This is the whole main ini:



ObjectFullName=FFG Koni Class


























If Hinch can't find his copy of Chapeav, I've got one in here that works fine at 06 level, albeit converted to an RN Cruiser. I'll bring it over to my 08 test install, and see what's up.



kevin stein

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Yup, thats the same ini as I have. I also made sure the date of the mission was within the ships' service life. Still no Koni...wierd. The Chapeav would be much appreciated. But note that I have the original and it doesnt even have a chapeav_Data.ini, just the main ini file. So not sure if itd work at all.

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Without the data ini, the game engine ™ dosen't see it.


I'll try to get that uploaded today (after returning it to 'stock' -- have to repain the White Ensign!)


Provided, of course, Hinch don't mind. He said above, he wasn't happy with the shape...



kevin stein

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Well, its in with no issues, other than I'd like to activate the other 3 turrets, and add some 37mm AAA guns... just not smart enough with ships. Adding the guns (btw, they're 'degraded' to 6'') is a no brainer, just figuring out the muzzle positions based on ship lenght ... that's the hard part (well, adding the gunner stations too)


note the new Sovet Fleet flag :biggrin:



kevin stein

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Well, its in with no issues, other than I'd like to activate the other 3 turrets, and add some 37mm AAA guns... just not smart enough with ships. Adding the guns (btw, they're 'degraded' to 6'') is a no brainer, just figuring out the muzzle positions based on ship lenght ... that's the hard part (well, adding the gunner stations too)



kevin stein


Remember, only three gunners allowed per ship.....

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Really???! I never knew that!!! (of course, never spent much time with ships..)


It also looks like only the B Turret (?) is active, peeking into the lod with the hex editor, so adding the other 9 guns may not be possible without a rebuild, and I sure ain't asking Hinch to do that!! Maybe I can sneak in a couple of AAA units instead...



kevin stein

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Really???! I never knew that!!! (of course, never spent much time with ships..)


It also looks like only the B Turret (?) is active, peeking into the lod with the hex editor, so adding the other 9 guns may not be possible without a rebuild, and I sure ain't asking Hinch to do that!! Maybe I can sneak in a couple of AAA units instead...



kevin stein


FWD main battery (turrets 1 & 2)=Gunner ID1

AFT main batter (turrets 2 & 4)=Gunner ID2

AAA battery (all 37 mm)=Gunner ID3

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Hey Wrench, did you have any luck with that data.ini for the chapaev?

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I had some luck, but hit a snag. Right now it's in the very capable hands of Fubar The Great, to see what he can with it.


Hopefully, will know someting within "2 weeks" :rofl:


At worst, I can send you what I've got, but when Fub finishes with it, I'll be uploading the whole thing



kevin stein

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No, thats fine, I'll wait. Wish I was better with this stuff and had more time. Thank you for yours and Fubar's help. The Chapaev is a nice ship to have ingame. Im curious though...what was the problem with the data.ini if I may ask? Ive got the data.ini for the Koni Fast Frigate but cant get it to show up either. Maybe its something similar with the two ships.

Edited by pcpilot

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