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The rear fuselage lights are out of position with the skin?

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It is possible to resolve this bug: :blink:



The rear fuselage lights are out of position with the skin!!! (F-16A_Blk10-NDC)


Which is the correct value for the position for: [LeftRearPositionLight] and [RightRearPositionLight]?? :dntknw:

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Errr, trial and error budy...

You have to change the values; and then keep checking from the game.

And its not a bug, its a misplaced light..

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  pureblue said:
Errr, trial and error budy...

You have to change the values; and then keep checking from the game.

And its not a bug, its a misplaced light..


Everything is a bug to him. He won't take the time to do any research on his own.

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You gotta be freakin kiddin me! squawkin about that? are you not in the pit view most of the time? :blink:

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Okay guys, throttle it back a bit.


AGOSTINO, please do some investigation on your own before posting a 'problem'. There is more than enough information in these forums and within the ini files themselves to explain what is wrong and how to fix it.



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  ST0RM said:
Everything is a bug to him. He won't take the time to do any research on his own.



  Viper6 said:
You gotta be freakin kiddin me! squawkin about that? are you not in the pit view most of the time? :blink:



  FastCargo said:
Okay guys, throttle it back a bit.


AGOSTINO, please do some investigation on your own before posting a 'problem'. There is more than enough information in these forums and within the ini files themselves to explain what is wrong and how to fix it.





Excuse me, I not wanted to make you angry, :no: the problem is that, after I do a search without a solution, can I post the problem or not?? :blink:

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My question is that what you are talking about is such a SMALL thing, does it affect the performance of the plane? can you see it when you are in the cockpit? does it affect the game? or do you have to have everything on the bird perfect? from the pic the lights are what inches apart? :blink: Anyway peace, love and hair grease! :biggrin:

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  Viper6 said:
My question is that what you are talking about is such a SMALL thing, does it affect the performance of the plane? can you see it when you are in the cockpit? does it affect the game? or do you have to have everything on the bird perfect? from the pic the lights are what inches apart? :blink: Anyway peace, love and hair grease! :biggrin:




You are right, :biggrin: my mistake is that I tend to be too perfect!!! :yes: In any case, I will follow your advice the next time!! Friends more first, and... thank you much!!! :ok:

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There is nothing wrong with trying to be perfect. I'm always trying to improve my installs.


The trick is to expend the skull sweat yourself first. If, after you have exhausted all options and are completely stuck, then post here. And nothing is a crisis...it's just a game after all.



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  FastCargo said:


There is nothing wrong with trying to be perfect. I'm always trying to improve my installs.

(cut) ................................................ And nothing is a crisis...it's just a game after all.





I agree with you!!!! :good: Thank you very much!!!!! :clapping:

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Actually the correct statement would be "these lights are out of postition with the aircraft", and they're the forward ID/Recognition lights.

The skin has nothing to do with it.


And here's how you fix it .... I should know I've added/adjusted/replaced the lighting on oh, IDK... a few hundred aircraft.


I'm assuming it's the OLD Wpnsgt/Team Viper F-16, and not TMF (which don't need nothing...)


These may be the lights in question; if not, the instructions to follow will help guide you in 'screwing in the light bulbs'




Position=-0.683, 4.518,-0.295 <----









Position= 0.683, 4.518,-0.295 <---







The 2 statements I've indicated are the, well like it says, the position of the light relative to the 0,0 or World Center position of the model (lod).


The measurments used, like everything eles in the 3W sims, is in meters. The order of what the number indicate are:


Right or Left of center right is indicated with a minus (-) sign


Fore or Aft of center aft is incidated with a minus (-) sign


Vertical distance, or Up or Down from center down is indicated with a minus (-) sign


So, loooking at the position statement


0.683, 4.518,-0.295


We have a light that 0.683 meters OUT from center, 4.158 meters FORWARD of center, and 0.295 meters DOWN from center.


So, going by the pic, the lights are too far OUT, and need to be tucked IN a bit. So, you'd reduce the distance for THE FIRST UNIT DISPLAYED, usually I do it in increments of 1 cm (0.10), go into the game, turn on the lights, and using the F12 free camera view, see where they sit.

Repeat as many times as necessary to get them positioned into their 'sockets'


It's time consuming, but it gets the job done



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
Actually the correct statement would be "these lights are out of postition with the aircraft", and they're the forward ID/Recognition lights.

The skin has nothing to do with it.


And here's how you fix it .... I should know I've added/adjusted/replaced the lighting on oh, IDK... a few hundred aircraft.


I'm assuming it's the OLD Wpnsgt/Team Viper F-16, and not TMF (which don't need nothing...)


These may be the lights in question; if not, the instructions to follow will help guide you in 'screwing in the light bulbs'




Position=-0.683, 4.518,-0.295 <----









Position= 0.683, 4.518,-0.295 <---







The 2 statements I've indicated are the, well like it says, the position of the light relative to the 0,0 or World Center position of the model (lod).


The measurments used, like everything eles in the 3W sims, is in meters. The order of what the number indicate are:


Right or Left of center right is indicated with a minus (-) sign


Fore or Aft of center aft is incidated with a minus (-) sign


Vertical distance, or Up or Down from center down is indicated with a minus (-) sign


So, loooking at the position statement


0.683, 4.518,-0.295


We have a light that 0.683 meters OUT from center, 4.158 meters FORWARD of center, and 0.295 meters DOWN from center.


So, going by the pic, the lights are too far OUT, and need to be tucked IN a bit. So, you'd reduce the distance for THE FIRST UNIT DISPLAYED, usually I do it in increments of 1 cm (0.10), go into the game, turn on the lights, and using the F12 free camera view, see where they sit.

Repeat as many times as necessary to get them positioned into their 'sockets'


It's time consuming, but it gets the job done



kevin stein


You are really unsurpassed!! :clapping: Fantastic!! :victory:


The correct value is:




Position=-0.681,2.926,-0.541 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<







Position=0.681,2.926,-0.541 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<




Tried and tested, works very well, problem solved... :good: thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :worship:

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The REAL fun begins when they're displaced by several 10s of meters, or don't exist at all (Pakso's Yak-2* series -25/28, etc) Had to research and guestimate a LOT for those..


Here's Veltro's C-141 with the adjusted lights (coming soon). The only ones I didn't add are the formation lights that run down the upper wing surface. Just didn't want to fiddle with them (mostly because I couldn't find info on WHAT color to use) or the air-refuling light along the top of fuselage. I alos didn't add the 'fuselage lights' at the wing root, that point out to illuminate the engine pylons. too much work!!! :wink:



kevin stein

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Had to do the same thing with the B-52H_PV. Every light required new entries. Took a frigin week for that alone!


Nice lights Kevin.

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Thanks Storm!


btw, you wouldn't happen to know what COLOR those formation lights would be, would you??? I came across some 141 crew training manuals on pdf, so I pretty much know WHERE they go ....


I should maybe check with Jug too...



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
Thanks Storm!


btw, you wouldn't happen to know what COLOR those formation lights would be, would you??? I came across some 141 crew training manuals on pdf, so I pretty much know WHERE they go ....


I should maybe check with Jug too...



kevin stein

Kevin, they look appropriate where they are. Good job!


I would add to this thread that when you get your lights where you want them, post them here and save your CA mates a lot of duplicate work. Share boys and girls, Share!

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I'll do better than that, I'll upload all the inis, as I've activated the GM radar (albeit with the ww2 bomber pit -that don't have a scope ...maybe I'll test some other pits to what works better.....), adjusted/tweeked some loadouts (trying to give Silverbolt his paras!) and some other small changes.


I'd considered adding a dull red light to the cargo compartment, for the night drops ... but changed my mind :wink:


Want to repaint the fuselage, and switch over the painted-on star for a decal, clean up a few lines -- I REALLY want to do something with the MATS tag & Flag on the tail...some experimentation IS required!



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
btw, you wouldn't happen to know what COLOR those formation lights would be, would you???


Yea, they are a really low intensity light and usually a Lt Blue/White color. They stand out on NVGs really well without blinding them. The Spec Ops C-130s have them also.



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