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I didnt do much, skins and a few decals. He was the brain behind taking Dels PC-9 and turning it into an insurgent nightmare.


It is out f***ing standing!



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Now that the FM is passible and the AI can handle it...you'll see this one soon...VERY soon.



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Nice, how soon will we see this? :smile:

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Nice, how soon will we see this? :smile:


Very soon. :biggrin:

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Dont shoot me now for asking.


Should the insigna not be on the opposite wings. Normaly US markings are allways on top left wing and bottom right???

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Dont shoot me now for asking.


Should the insigna not be on the opposite wings. Normaly US markings are allways on top left wing and bottom right???


Because I wanted it there. :good:

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Just waiting to get home and head over to Hawker-Beech to see these up close.


Nice FC!

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Let me tell you all this. This is a blast to fly. I mean its loaded for bear. If you do not want Hellfires you can load it with SDB's. Fighters try to get into the weeds with you and you can send a Stinger its way. The .50 cals make short work of just about anything. It's fun.

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:biggrin: No problem was just currious if there was a new practice arround in the US....

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:biggrin: No problem was just currious if there was a new practice arround in the US....


Well I wanted it to be all bright yellow too but was told NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:

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Cool, an interesting aircraft, are the US forces using them for this role? I know the Iraq air force have ordered them.


Anyone done a super Tucano?

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If me mind serves me right they're looking at it for a replacement for the Texan, and possible COIN aircraft. Personally I'd get rid of the gunpods and substitute bombas for CAS missions though. Not that the .50 isn't respectable, but I like the BOOM better :smile:

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