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OK, I will deserve all of the 'dummy' labels that will appear on this thread, but I am trying to get a combined SF2/SF2V/SF2E game going and add on the mods that have appeared on the download announcements. New aircraft are supposed to be put into the SF2 Mod folder, but I cannot find that folder after extracting all of the CAT's I could put my hands on. Is this a folder I must create? Does the sim automatically pickup this folder and add mod aircraft? Has all this been explained on another thread and I didn't get the word? Help?

Edited by Jug

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I do think it must be created. and there is a all new section here for dealing with all your SF2/* needs :biggrin:

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  FastCargo said:


Please start here:




This will explain some of the basics of the SF2 series. You'll find in the long run, things are easier (well, except for decals). It's converting from old to new that takes some skull sweat.



Thanks, guys. Got the glide path now!

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When I say the thread title, I thought somebody's boobs had fallen off!!! :rofl:


I feel for you Jug, I was the same way getting started!!! It's gets easier (ha! so they say! :wink: )



kevin stein

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