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competiton delayed again

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Looks like RoF has been pushed back again. This time to June 25th. I can't remember who, I think it was WF2 (sorry if I'm wrong on that), said that with the last patch the game was almost unplayable. Apparently they are having some real issues.


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I was very intrested in this.. that was untill I found out there is only a few aircraft and a static campaign.. It needs a decent selection of aircraft and dynamic campaign before i will be intrested in it for single player

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Looks like RoF has been pushed back again. This time to June 25th. I can't remember who, I think it was WF2 (sorry if I'm wrong on that), said that with the last patch the game was almost unplayable. Apparently they are having some real issues.



Where did you read this? I tried their forum, but it's in Russian.

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I read over at SimHQ. I stay up to date just in case they decide to do away with the OL requirement.






"Competition?" delayed again? Hoho.. not sure if it's that exactly, but a lot of die hard followers of ROF are acting like it is going to be the WWI sim to end all WWI sims and is going to be perfect. I have a feeling that once it comes out there are going to be a lot of disappointed players. Not saying that it isn't possible for it to eventually be the "top" WWI flight sim, but the more I learn about it the more it sounds like they have really targeted the MP market and don't have a very robust SP with AI built in. It also looks like for SP they are counting on players to come up with a continual supply of home built, scripted missions, rather then a much more complex dynamic, historically accurate, campaign like OFF has. I think all the processor power may be going into the emulation of the complex fm along with the complex lighting effects, reflections, etc., and that maybe they are counting on real human players to handle what would normally be AI processing. This is all speculation, of course, so please take this as a guess, not fact. And I'm encouraging people to buy it, not the opposite, we all need to support this market, they've done a lot of work on this and it can only lead to better sims for all of us.. The OFF team can probably use some of what is learned about ROF for future projects, and maybe, eventually with a more modern game engine of their own. IF they do, I think it will out class ROF by a long shot.

Once ROF comes out there is going to be a lot of discussions going on, I imagine.

Edited by rabu

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I'm not concerned about the release date in the least. I would really like to get Rof but that pesky OL requirement still has me saying "NO". If that is the "future" of simming as some say, I'll just have to find another hobby.



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The plot certainly thickens!

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IMHO the slipped dates and distribution problems is just green ROF management (we have all been there). It is very hard to cover all bases when it is your first ball game.


The thing that interest me is the developers seem to have a good product based on the user video's that are showing up now. The developers seem very committed to being a sucess.

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IMHO the slipped dates and distribution problems is just green ROF management (we have all been there). It is very hard to cover all bases when it is your first ball game.


The thing that interest me is the developers seem to have a good product based on the user video's that are showing up now. The developers seem very committed to being a sucess.



It's good to hear that. As long as it's not like WoW was.

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Where did you read this? I tried their forum, but it's in Russian.


The release date for the game changed on gogamer.com. Pushed back to June 25th.



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"Competition?" delayed again? Hoho.. not sure if it's that exactly, but a lot of die hard followers of ROF are acting like it is going to be the WWI sim to end all WWI sims and is going to be perfect. I have a feeling that once it comes out there are going to be a lot of disappointed players. Not saying that it isn't possible for it to eventually be the "top" WWI flight sim, but the more I learn about it the more it sounds like they have really targeted the MP market and don't have a very robust SP with AI built in. It also looks like for SP they are counting on players to come up with a continual supply of home built, scripted missions, rather then a much more complex dynamic, historically accurate, campaign like OFF has. I think all the processor power may be going into the emulation of the complex fm along with the complex lighting effects, reflections, etc., and that maybe they are counting on real human players to handle what would normally be AI processing. This is all speculation, of course, so please take this as a guess, not fact. And I'm encouraging people to buy it, not the opposite, we all need to support this market, they've done a lot of work on this and it can only lead to better sims for all of us.. The OFF team can probably use some of what is learned about ROF for future projects, and maybe, eventually with a more modern game engine of their own. IF they do, I think it will out class ROF by a long shot.

Once ROF comes out there is going to be a lot of discussions going on, I imagine.


My apologies, rabu. An "alternative" WWI flight sim has been delayed in reaching the market. Fair enough? :ok:




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It's good to hear that. As long as it's not like WoW was.


I didn't know you played WoW, OvS. 70 Undead Warlock was my main. Quit before WotLK came out. Just not nearly as fun as OFF. Thanks for helping to break the addiction.




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I didn't know you played WoW, OvS. 70 Undead Warlock was my main. Quit before WotLK came out. Just not nearly as fun as OFF. Thanks for helping to break the addiction.






Whooops!! Sorry Hellshade.. I meant Wings of War. It was a "consolish" type of WWI flying game that looked awesome, but had zero value to anyone looking for a replacement to RB3D at the time. Then I fell upon OFF, and the rest is in the books.



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Whooops!! Sorry Hellshade.. I meant Wings of War. It was a "consolish" type of WWI flying game that looked awesome, but had zero value to anyone looking for a replacement to RB3D at the time. Then I fell upon OFF, and the rest is in the books.




Never heard of it. Doesn't sound like I missed much though.



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I bought my Xbox so I could play Wings of War. How I fondly remember jumping from my beautiful crate into another pilotless crate while in mid-air. Shame really the game had so much going for it but going the arcade route was unfortunate. Another missed opportunity.

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My apologies, rabu. An "alternative" WWI flight sim has been delayed in reaching the market. Fair enough? :ok:






No problem at all, that's why I said, Hoho.. :yes:

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Never heard of it. Doesn't sound like I missed much though.




It's pure arcade, but lots of fun. When it first came out I think most of us were so desperate for a replacement for RedBaron that we jumped in trying to improve it. Winding Man re worked the overly bright terrain and added other details, I did the same and added some improved skins. Others tried to get into the code to get rid of the arcade qualities, with very limited success. We finally all ralized that it was hopeless, then, along came OFF and there was no turning back. I still like to fly WOW ocassionally, you can still find the mods that will improve it immensly, but it can't touch OFF for any serious sim qualities.

Visit Polovski's site for patches and mods still available


Here's a Camel skin I did in the game.



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It looks beautiful Rabu. Nice work on the Camel skin. Ashame about the arcade combat and flight model though. :(



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Yeah was coming along nicely with Rabu's and others mods, even had one of the devs or someone close to, who was providing us with mods to make it more realistic. Scenery was pretty convincing for the time apart from the short distances especially with WM's modded tiles.

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Yeah was coming along nicely with Rabu's and others mods, even had one of the devs or someone close to, who was providing us with mods to make it more realistic. Scenery was pretty convincing for the time apart from the short distances especially with WM's modded tiles.


I d/l'd all the mods available on Pol's site after I picked up a copy cheap. I still take it out occasionally for a bit of uncomplicated good-looking fun. It is arcady, incredibly so by OFF standards but with TIR, the mods and no aids it's a kinda QQC and not bad.

Edited by Dej

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Yeah was coming along nicely with Rabu's and others mods, even had one of the devs or someone close to, who was providing us with mods to make it more realistic. Scenery was pretty convincing for the time apart from the short distances especially with WM's modded tiles.


Just another game we all worked on... ;) Remember my Jasta 11 Albatros D.III skins? LOL! I just thought I toss that in there to show how much some of us have been around each other, for so long.


RB3D (our respective artistic offerings...even tech/historic support of)

Sikorsky Project




10 years and counting... !!

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Just another game we all worked on... ;) Remember my Jasta 11 Albatros D.III skins? LOL! I just thought I toss that in there to show how much some of us have been around each other, for so long.


RB3D (our respective artistic offerings...even tech/historic support of)

Sikorsky Project




10 years and counting... !!


Well, I didn't touch a WW1 sim on the PC since Flying Corps Gold until I came across OFF P2. I missed out on the whole RB3D thing somehow which is a keen regret. Since then I've dug out everything I could find and the same names keep popping up! So major kudos to you guys, you've played a good part in keeping the appreciation of WW1 air combat alive. My hat's off to you all (no pun intended).

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