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Lothar of the Hill People

Resolution Problem with Claim Form

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Here's a weird one I haven't seen elsewhere in the forums. My claim form no longer fits in my screen resolution. It cuts off at the bottom right below my signature, but above the button to actually submit the claim.


I've found that I can alt-tab out and increase my screen resolution, from 1600x1200 to 2048x1536. The claim form isn't rerendered, the same viewable picture now just smaller in the upper left of my screen, but I can hit the submit claim button by clicking around in the black area below, where the button would be if the whole form was visible. I can then reset my resolution back to 1600x1200 and fly another mission or whatever, but what a pain.


Any idea why the claim form and its associated UI elements are being rendered bigger than my screen resolution? I'm running Vistax64 with a Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 using the latest Nvidia drivers.

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Nope, maybe check you are running at the native resolution of your monitor and that you have the proper monitor driver installed (i.e. not "generic monitor / display" whatever for the display.

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It may be a pain in the rear end to have to change resolution and then back again to fill in a claim form, but it must be worth it, as so many times a kill is unrewarded due to no witnesses, your pilot being killed before filling in a form, any number of reasons.


Hope someone can fix it for you though.

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