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Fixed sight (caged mode) to aim rockets

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Is it possible to have a caged sight with planes using the avionics70.dll? It's not so convenient to get the CCIP when switching to rockets and aiming with the gun tracers increases the ammo consumption too much. My search within the KB using the keywords "avionics" and "caged" did not led to useful results.


Greets, Uhu

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Is it possible to have a caged sight with planes using the avionics70.dll? It's not so convenient to get the CCIP when switching to rockets and aiming with the gun tracers increases the ammo consumption too much. My search within the KB using the keywords "avionics" and "caged" did not led to useful results.


Greets, Uhu

cicle thru the gun sight modes whit your keyboard can recall the exact key right now but that might help

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Already tried - the sight disappears in that case. But as guns have a fixed sight in A/G-mode, I think that rockets should also get one even with modern avionics.



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Won't the CCIP tell you where the rockets will fall?

I've been using that as targeting.

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You know, I don't think I've ever used rockets in a TW sim! It's always bombs or guns for me.

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the sight for guns is also CCIP with avionics70

why are you aming with tracers if you intend to fire rockets ?

if the rocket impacts dont match the predicted impact point as indicated by the CCIP pipper, then then the CCIP is not adjusted for the rockets ( can be only done for one rocket type )


In the aircrafts avionics ini, go to the HUD section , RocketBoresightAngle= entry . ( add this line if it is missing from HUD section)

Adjust it, a negative valule moves the pipper up, positive value down...iirc.

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I'm using the tracers to get a rough idea where the rockets may land, like a spotting gun used on eg. a M-50 Ontos.


That's a good point, to adjust the RocketBoreSightAngle, thanks... Is the finding of the values a true trial-and-error, or does someone know some values, say for a LAU 3/A / Hydra pod?


Greets, Uhu

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the sight for guns is also CCIP with avionics70

why are you aming with tracers if you intend to fire rockets ?

if the rocket impacts dont match the predicted impact point as indicated by the CCIP pipper, then then the CCIP is not adjusted for the rockets ( can be only done for one rocket type )


In the aircrafts avionics ini, go to the HUD section , RocketBoresightAngle= entry . ( add this line if it is missing from HUD section)

Adjust it, a negative valule moves the pipper up, positive value down...iirc.


The command line "RocketBoresightAngle= entry" is good only for avionics70.

Do you know the similar command line for avionics60?

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No, for avionics60 you can use default depression value in cockpit.ini ... but its always a compromise of bombing and rockets.

For fast rockets (e.g. Zuni ) a caged sight works OK, with adjustments done by aiming lor or high, airspeed is also a factor

Note that depending on game version, its possible that the sight doesnt depress if rockets are selected ( some different code), but you can depress it manually after selecting rockets by cycling the Gunsight mode to A2G

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No, for avionics60 you can use default depression value in cockpit.ini ... but its always a compromise of bombing and rockets.

For fast rockets (e.g. Zuni ) a caged sight works OK, with adjustments done by aiming lor or high, airspeed is also a factor

Note that depending on game version, its possible that the sight doesnt depress if rockets are selected ( some different code), but you can depress it manually after selecting rockets by cycling the Gunsight mode to A2G


I have WOI patched to oct 2008. In this version of the game the sight depress only if bomb are selected, but not for rockets. When selecting rockets the gunsight goes automatically to A2G mode, no need for manual selecting. Anyway, I find no key command, that can manually depress the sight in A2G mode.

Edited by guyran

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