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Windows 98

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The reason I ask is, I'm setting up an old computer for my boy to run RB3D. I've got two old machines, neither of which will run OFF, one's an HP and the other is a Dell. I have the system disks for the HP but unfortunately they only work with the HP. The Dell is a good bit faster but has no HD so I'll be needing an OS when the new HD gets here. Anyone?




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cj....if you want, i can earmark the next good computer that comes my way for you...


would cost too much to send case, but can pull the mb, and powersupply (gotta feeling you need the p4 connextor)...


2.0 to 2.4celerons seem to come around alot...


also have a 2.6c small form factor hp here,,,drawback on this is the pci slots are on the board, and not on a daughterboard, so it requires 1/2pci cards....hard to find good video cards in that format..

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I've got a board with a 1.2Ghz AMD Athlon and the memory, vid card, etc. Just need an HD and Windows 98. I'll be looking to upgrade my machine in the future and will use the parts from it plus the ones I've got in the closet to build him a decent one, but right now he's only 3 so he really doesn't need that much. What I've got will do fine for now. Thanks though.



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"I've got a board with a 1.2Ghz AMD Athlon and the memory, vid card, etc."




That's shocking! I'm typing this on a 1.3Ghz PC of dubious provenance with about 2MB of RAM. Of course, it's running linux - good luck looking for ancient treasures, even though some of us still run them!

Edited by themightysrc

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"I've got a board with a 1.2Ghz AMD Athlon and the memory, vid card, etc."




That's shocking! I'm typing this on a 1.3Ghz PC of dubious provenance with about 2MB of RAM. Of course, it's running linux - good luck looking for ancient treasures, even though some of us still run them!


thats nothing,,,i gotta 200mhz vectra (we are talking edo here...) that i just use for printing lables on my dotmatrix...still works..so aint gonna mess with it...

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I'm setting it up to run Red Baron 3D, which should run great. I've got the disk I bought in '98 and it still works fine. Then I'll load OvS' Hells Angels for him. He loves to watch the dogfights and RB has the "dogfight autopilot". He'll watch for a while and then he wants to fly. By the time he hits five or six he'll be online kickin' some serious booty!


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I'm setting it up to run Red Baron 3D, which should run great. I've got the disk I bought in '98 and it still works fine. Then I'll load OvS' Hells Angels for him. He loves to watch the dogfights and RB has the "dogfight autopilot". He'll watch for a while and then he wants to fly. By the time he hits five or six he'll be online kickin' some serious booty!




I've got something you might be interested it... I am holding 2 Voodoo2 cards WITH SLI cable. :) At one point I was going to do the same, but now, forget it.


Can I ask why you are going back to 98? You can run RB3D with the GliDOS wrapper, or even better is the DGVoodoo, which is still supported. There are other options rather than trying to hunt down old parts.


I might have a sound card as well... I used to use 98 in my old MAME cabinets, but I updated them all as I fixed and updated other friends/and my own PC's.


What's your grocery list look like?



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I still have a Win 98 CD plus the Second Edition updates on CD. Both are Microsoft originals. If you're still looking, PM me.

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What's your grocery list look like?


At this point I have an ECS K7VZA motherboard with an AMD Athlon 1.2Ghz CPU, an Antec EA 500 PSU, 512Mb of PC133, CD burner, and a GeForce4 MX440 64Mb video card, and a sound card with a gameport. All I really need is a HD.

RB3D always seemed to work better with Windows 98 to me. Never had a problem.

Would that Voodoo SLI setup be better than the MX440?



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gotta assume the board is maybe one agp and rest pci,,,,never heard of 2 pci cards you can sli.....(could be wrong...)

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CJ-I have several fx5200/128/AGP cards I pulled when upgrading. Gladly part with one, free of charge, if you'd like.


sitting duck - Wasn't the 'original' SLI (3dfx 'Scan Line Interleave', IIRC) done on PCI bus? The 'new' SLI (Nvidia 'Scalable Link Interface') doesn't apply to PCI, of course.

Edited by Tamper

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CJ-I have several fx5200/128/AGP cards I pulled when upgrading. Gladly part with one, free of charge, if you'd like.


sitting duck - Wasn't the 'original' SLI (3dfx 'Scan Line Interleave', IIRC) done on PCI bus? The 'new' SLI (Nvidia 'Scalable Link Interface') doesn't apply to PCI, of course.


Yes, the Voodoo2 SLI'd was the BEST format for RB3D. It was coded in Voodoo3d core language, so it never ran on anything else until the Glide wrappers came out years later. The Voodoo2 is not a primary video card, it's a daughter board to a primary card. So really, other than playing native Voodoo3D games, it's useless.


The other was the Banshee, which was 3Dfx's push to incorporate the technology into 1 primary card. RB3D ran pretty good on it, but still, never as good as the 2 V2's SLI'd.


So Camel, if you want 'em, they're yours.



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CJ-I have several fx5200/128/AGP cards I pulled when upgrading. Gladly part with one, free of charge, if you'd like.


sitting duck - Wasn't the 'original' SLI (3dfx 'Scan Line Interleave', IIRC) done on PCI bus? The 'new' SLI (Nvidia 'Scalable Link Interface') doesn't apply to PCI, of course.



You could very will be correct. Now i remeber getting my dad an addon video card so he could have the 3dfx, and you had the video out from the first card go into a video in on the addon, (this is all outside the case),,,,,and your video out came off the addon card, but didnt know that was considered "sli"...

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You could very will be correct. Now i remeber getting my dad an addon video card so he could have the 3dfx, and you had the video out from the first card go into a video in on the addon, (this is all outside the case),,,,,and your video out came off the addon card, but didnt know that was considered "sli"...


Actually, you are correct...I think *lol* The old arrangement you described was for having what they called a 'hardware accelerator' 3D card, and it was connected outside the PC case, through the primary video adapter. The idea was, IIRC, the 2D graphics were handled by the 'primary' card, but 3D calls were routed to the 3DfX card.


But, like you, I don't think this was what they called SLI. SLI at that time - the original 3Dfx version - meant that each of two video cards handled half the lines on the display - the two cards' outputs (scan lines) were then 'interleaved' - hence the term 'scan line interleave'. And I do believe they both had to be 3dfx cards (like what OvS describes above); and at least theoretically, you got the benefit of each card only having half the graphics load. Later on, with (again, IIRC) the introduction of the 5500 series, they put two GPUs on one card. I don't think it ever did very well (which is a crying shame). Shortly after, 3dfx was out of business. I actually had one of these cards years after they were defunct, but by that time, nothing used GLide anymore.

Edited by Tamper

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 There is somewhere a site that explain the difference between a Wrapper and a Voodoo card. I can not find it but maybe if you Google you will find it. If you take a look at the pictures he made you will see that the Voodoo is much better. 

I have also an old Pentium4-gameport rig for RB3d, the combination 98se/Voodoo3/MS-FF is great. But you properly already have read this on a Delphi or WoV forum!!

Edited by Dutch_P47M

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