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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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Saw it last night also, and it was super good, I'll be seeing it again. Megan Fox is soooo hot, the things I would do to her.

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Saw it last night also, and it was super good, I'll be seeing it again. Megan Fox is soooo hot, the things I would do to her.



Yes but the "Crazy tongue" university gal,looks hard too and thinking about all the things that can be done with that weapon.......

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Now Now Mr. Dave sir, don't get pissy wid me. I was only taking the piss! :good: I thought the F-16s sans weapons was funny because my girly said "Hang on, they're only packing sidewinders, not bombs!" When she said that, I'd never wanted to marry that woman more... :biggrin:

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Too many robots not enough Megan Fox.


Did I go for the wrong reasons?



What do you mean? I think i´m not going, then

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I loved Sam's parents and the Chevy twins (whatever their names were). Jetfire was cool, too. My wife said "Hey, we took pictures of that plane when we were there!"


Tony Todd was great as the Fallen, too. It was like hearing Worf's brother again but dressed in metal. :biggrin:

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The twins names were mudflap and Skids, I don't know why they were even in the movie. Jetfire was cool, kinda funny...but I guess they get old also lmao.

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They were comic relief, of course. I LOL'd when I saw Jetfire had a walking stick that was part of him with the nose gear at the end of it!

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