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The plunge - have you taken it ?

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The plan right now is:


1. Wait until November/December 2009.


2. Buy Windows 7 (Even with all the positive stuff about the RC, I'm waiting a month or two to let any real major bugs in 7 be found.)


3. Buy a Intel Solid State Drive (by then, at least prices should have dropped to like $200 or so for a decent capacity drive); so that Strike Fighters Modded Installs will load faster. I tend to make huge mega installs. :biggrin:


4.) Buy all the SF2 games


5.) ???


6.) PROFIT. :haha:

Edited by MKSheppard

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I would hope folks don't think it's an 'us vs them' mentality. I still have Gen 1 installs on my machine (in fact, the Children's SF install will remain Gen 1 because SFP1 is so cheap).


Mainly, like USAFMTL said, there just isn't time to make 2 seperate versions for 'clean sheet' models. Some stuff that was made for Gen 1 can be updated for Gen 2 pretty quickly.


That being said, for those who want multiplayer, I would recommend getting to know how to make parts 'disappear' through the data.ini, because that will be the big model change...everything else just needs .ini tweaks and directory moving.



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Uninstalled WoE from my laptop last night. Was the last of the legacy TW sims installed. Freed up 7Gigs of space also.

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i'll take WOE off my laptop at the end of the deployment. getting some guys in my company interested in it and that way i can do the multi player bit with them. however adding new birds is easier in SF2E in my opinion, i'm actually learning some modding by learning to change gen1 birds to gen2 slowly but surely and when NF4+ comes out won't have much other reason to keep the old game.

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For the same reason you currently are still using it, I'll hang onto the disks. For the multi-play. A stock WoX is still good for that.

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