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P4 warp suggestion

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I have a suggestion for P4. Not sure if it can even be done, but for those of us fliers who don't fly true "Dead is Dead" because of using Warp, it would be great if we would only get bumped out of warp when EA were within 4 miles of us instead of the full 8. Stuff that is 8 miles away, unless it is flying towards us, usually is too far to be chased down and engaged. But they might stay within the 8 miles and on the "radar" for quite some time, which puts us in the situation of flying along with nothing to do but enjoy the beautiful scenery for extended periods of time because we can't re-engage warp mode until they are completely off the 8 mile radar area. The scenery truly is amazing, but for those of us who would prefer to be able to jump in a lot closer to the action, being knocked out of warp mode at 4 miles from EA instead of the full 8 would probably keep things moving along a lot faster. At 4 miles, we have a much better chance of engaging. At 8, sometimes it can be a fairly long time of just waiting for the radar to clear so we can get to our mission objectives quicker at the faster warp speeds.


Is this kind of change even possible?



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Hellshade, I don't think it's 4 mile limitation on warp

I always warp when EA move outside the 4 mile limit with no problems

The TAC can only display AC out to 4 miles, ground objects are shown to the full 8


I think BHH automatically exits warp when Task Waypoints are approached or reached

It would be nice if warp exited only when EA are present though

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Hellshade, I don't think it's 4 mile limitation on warp

I always warp when EA move outside the 4 mile limit with no problems

The TAC can only display AC out to 4 miles, ground objects are shown to the full 8


I think BHH automatically exits warp when Task Waypoints are approached or reached

It would be nice if warp exited only when EA are present though


Are you sure aircraft are only shown out to 4 miles? Maybe I'm reading my TAC wrong, but I cycle TAC to ONLY show aircraft and I always see those white dots out to the edge of the TAC, turning red or blue once they get within 2 - 3 miles of me. The outer edge of TAC is 8 miles, right? I'm never able to re-warp until all EA are completely off the TAC screen. At any rate, yes if warp only exited when EA are within 4 miles I think that would rock.



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I use my TAC at all 4 Ranges as situation requires

Never had a problem warping once EA are outside the 4 mile range

...and I warp so much you'd think it was Star Trek :biggrin:


Situation has changed though with all AC on assigned missions (No Spawns)

Spend a lot of time flying parallel or perpendicular to EA and fights develop more slowly in BHH

Getting rid of the spawns really adds to the immersion level

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I almost agree with the 4nm number. If you watch on the 8mn screen you will see that the planes disappear shortly after the get out of the 4nm range. As soon as they disappear you can warp.


I usually set the screen at 4nm and will hit x just after the the planes leave the TAC. It might take a couple of tries but you will warp.



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Are you sure aircraft are only shown out to 4 miles? Maybe I'm reading my TAC wrong, but I cycle TAC to ONLY show aircraft and I always see those white dots out to the edge of the TAC, turning red or blue once they get within 2 - 3 miles of me. The outer edge of TAC is 8 miles, right?....

Hellshade, in addition to cycling your target type, you can also cycle the distance of your TAC from 8 to 4 to 2 nm by pressing the Ctrl-T key.

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Hellshade, in addition to cycling your target type, you can also cycle the distance of your TAC from 8 to 4 to 2 nm by pressing the Ctrl-T key.


Did NOT know that. So the warp works where no matter what range you have it set to, 2, 4 or 8, as soon as the aircraft clear your max TAC range setting you can warp? Sweet! I will try it out tonight! Thanks.



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I don't think so. I normally fly with the TAC at 1 or 2 miles and often cannot warp when there is nothing on the scope. Although sometimes it tells me I am taking off when I am at 5000 ft and miles from the aerodrome.

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