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Tricky Camels

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Glad the explanation was of some help to you Hellshade. :smile:

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Glad the explanation was of some help to you Hellshade. :smile:


As it was to me, too --- Thanks Pips!

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Reversing the direction of a SPAD:

1. fly away from you opponent first; if necessary, dive hard - you will always climb back fast with that engine.

Then, with good speed, and distance to your opponent, you CAN turn with the SPAD - only not so tight.


2. dive away steep from opponent, zoom back up and perform half a loop and half a roll


But as you woudn't really like a head-on attack, 1. might be better, as you can make a wide turn in your safe

distance, to pick another opponent for an attack.

If you only have 1 DVII with a good pilot against you, you might as well fly off - you won't have a chance to

get behind him.


The picture shows, she can even do steep banks at high enough speed. But she couldn't turn tight with an

Albatros or, even worse, a DVII, cause she would have to drop speed. And THEN she would stall more easily.

Edited by Olham

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The picture shows, she can even do steep banks at high enough speed. But she couldn't turn tight with an

Albatros or, even worse, a DVII, cause she would have to drop speed. And THEN she would stall more easily.


Are you telling us that you shot at an Albatross Olham? How could you even bring yourself to press the trigger!?

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It was hard to do, Dej - really hard. But I want to do the Entente aircraft too - all of them.

And so I started with a Camel (and downed my first 2 Albs; then a Tripe, and downed one more; then the SPAD, and downed one again).

I don't know, if it will ever feel "natural" to me....

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Here is the link to the Video about gyroscopic effects / torque:



That is a great video Olham. Where do you guys find all of this information? sheesh



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In this case, the honour belongs to WomenFly2 - she posted it earlier.

She comes up with great stuff quite often - although: I haven't seen her around here for quite some time.

Hope she isn't too disappointed about the words to her RoF video?

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