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WoE Multiple Installs

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Hi community,


As I have briefly discussed in the past, I am wanting to do some multiple installs of WoE, based on perhaps ten year intervals, with era specific aircraft.

I have just completed a new install and update of the sim, using mostly default aircraft, and others that were in use toward 1985 (what I assume is the end time of the default campaign).


I would like to do two additional installs, one that covers an era that would include the F-15E etc, and another that would cover a 'future war' using some fictional aircraft such as the X-29.


There are a few things that I would like some help with please:


1. For my 'next install', can I just copy and rename my existing WoE directory, and add the new aircraft? Or must I do a new install of the game?


2. Can anybody suggest any scenery areas for these two fictional campaigns?


3. How difficult is it to write or modify a campaign? I've only had a brief look at this, and if I interpret things correctly, you can just change squadron and equipment types in the campaign files, or am I being too superficial? I have noticed in single missions that if an ai aircraft is not available to the sim, it will use something else. (a great plus).


4. I'm also hanging out for the Buc, because when I reinstall DBS, I see this as a key area for naval type operations.


And once again, thanks to all of the talented people that have made this sim what it is today.





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I can answer to one question of those.


To make a second (third...) install while leaving the stock on unharmed, it is indeed the sole possibility to copy the folder. Because certain valuies are already wrtitten in the registry, you are even unable to make a second install with the disk (OK, except if you are using the workaround of copying the files somewhere in a parking location OUTSIDE the program folder, then uninstalling anr reinstalling the game). Go for copying your WoE directory.

I'm not sure if renaming the folders can be causing problems (on my PC, I've made a directory "Modificated versions" where I put the modded install without renaming the game root folder), you'll have to test the renaming...


Greets, Uhu

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1. Yes - but run it from the WOE.exe file in the new folder (or create shortcut to it)



2. Its your creation go where you like


3. Its not to difficult - more time consuming. there is a brief description of what some of the lines in the campaign_data.ini do in the KB - Other than that download and look at some other campaigns


the only thing you may need help on is placing the nodes and battle locations for the ground forces - if you go that far!

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