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working HAWK for -SF2-

this are the working HAWK for the SF2 series , original HAWK by Pasko





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No CWAR or HIPIR to take down and shut the whole site? At one point a version like this was created.. But currently it's working with the radars included too. Or is there a reason why you did this way.

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No CWAR or HIPIR to take down and shut the whole site? At one point a version like this was created.. But currently it's working with the radars included too. Or is there a reason why you did this way.



yes , because the game engine makes it difficult to set up a network like the SA2 on the blue site and than you have to change the target.ini of your terrains as well that is a lot of work i did this with the NIKE on my game and have to set up the 4xMIM-14 as a warship (and by the way that means to include a radar into the 4xMIM-14 as well) so it will funktion the way it should but i dont know if in a campain this nike launcher will actuly appear as a warship on sea

so the easy way was to set up the hawk as i did and dont worry they get you down if you are not careful :biggrin:


this setup will be changed if there is a better way but a launchsite with the hawk-launchers and the radars means that you have to make new tarket.ini and maybe types.ini for all terrains and it can not be added to any 3d party terrain easily by your self , or at all

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Ok this is my experience from trying to implement it.


Just like for reds, the SamRadar and SamLauncher definitions will pick Networked Radar/SAMs, from the blue side. I've been getting Hawk HIPIRs coupled with HAWK Launchers, and if there is also a EWR in the same target_area, it might put the Hawk CWAR in there too. Now this is the behavior I see most of the time.


On the other hand, if you put these in the types/targets.ini of the terrain as HAWKL/etc. they will show up and work correctly but they will NOT paint in your RWR. :( Weird thing, I've read that others have experienced this and it might be considered a bug. (saw at a thread in thirdwire forums). Checked this in ODS too. Specific HAWK won't register in my RWR. This bug is actually very annoying and I wish TK takes care of it sometime in the future.

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an other problem is this radars sometimes show up as group of ground tarkets like tanks , as i mention above as soon as i know a better way i will update this

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I concur, the SON-9A has been a major culprit in CAS missions. "OH no! Gotta save the troops against the horde of SON-9As!"

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