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Winston's Early Birds Session - 19 July 09

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Are you all happy continuing the 'Bloody April' campaign with 29 Sqn RFC or do you want something different?


Please let me know as I need to build the missions.




Vasco :pilotfly:

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Yes, I'm looking forward to continuing with this. Seems like we have still a few that haven't been flown yet? Maybe even testing the new Fortisboy DM?

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Winston and I tried it in MP because we're both enthusiastic about it. Unfortunately, it's causing mismatches between us even with seemingly identical installations.


I've PM'd Fortiesboy about it hoping he'll have a version for MP either in the works or available immediately.




Vasco :pilotfly:

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2pm NY time, 8am Hawaii.





Rats! Some stuff has come up. Cant make it this week. Hope I didnt hold you guys up.

Have fun!



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