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Does anyone actually have the Canberra Gun Pack LOD(s)? It would be great to accurately portray the long-serving 'Interdictor' B(I)6 and B(I)8 variants that served the RAF into the early 1970's whilst waiting for the TSR.2 and F-111K :rolleyes: . I've already knocked up the famous No.213 squadron Hornet fin marking decal (as seen on the Airfix 1/72 scale model from that era) but we need the gun pack :yes: .

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You mean like this:




or this? (this one has the position corrected, irrc)




Why yes, yes I do. In fact, I have the whole airplace, made for the Indo-Pak mod. Guns moved to simulate those placed in the pack, so the bombay no longer functions.


Bombs/60# only on the wings, as the bomb bay has been 'removed' for gunpak usage.

Also needs the new cockpit, but that aint' nothing!



kevin stein


EDIT: nope, these are early shots ... I've moved the pack to a more 'correct' location. but you get the general idea

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Thanks Wrench. I'm pretty certain that it goes right to the back of the bomb-bay. So is that a stand-in shape or the real thing?

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sshhh...it's a secret pilot seat :biggrin:


Yah, on the finalized version, it IS much further back. I rechecked it, and these are 'early' versions of the pod mounting. Ghostrider provided some very good photos that I used to reposition the bulge, and correct my 'too many bombs' loadout. IAF version usually only carred 2 per wing.


Yes, it's a seperate piece. Still intereted?




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sshhh...it's a secret pilot seat :biggrin:


Yah, on the finalized version, it IS much further back. I rechecked it, and these are 'early' versions of the pod mounting. Ghostrider provided some very good photos that I used to reposition the bulge, and correct my 'too many bombs' loadout. IAF version usually only carred 2 per wing.


Yes, it's a seperate piece. Still intereted?






Okay - never thought for one second anyone had an actual model of that yet - which is why ive put a workaround gunpack on the canberras for now.


If you want to send me the model I can update the B(I)mk6, 66, 8, 58, and 12 for the 22nd time :) - which will just about finish them off.

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I don't have the max file for the "bulge", just the lod & skin bmp. But I'll supply what I can, if you need it! (inis, etc)


oh, and don't I KNOW about having to go over something umpteey gazillon times... oi!!! :blink:



kevin stein

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