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Time Discrepancies?

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Sorry if this is a know issue that I have missed but...


Getting many missions lately where I seem to get credited for way less than full mission time. My last campaign mission, for example showed, as 36 minutes on my log and at the debrief window (which seemed way low), but then running the 'mission review' I see a mission time at landing of 58 minutes (which seems correct). Seems to be a mismatch there.


This is all playing full DID with no warp or other funny stuff, just flying in real time.


This has happen several times that I have noticed lately, but sometimes the times do match up so it isn't a consistent thing.


Any ideas? Anyone else getting the same thing happening? If its just me then I will try a re-install.

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There have been times when the times don't seem to jive for me as well. To blind to go DID but the mission review seemed to come up with different times, then I started to get pilot error messages after landing.


I did the repair or reset thingy on the settings page, it erased all my pilots but seems to have fixed those errors for me. Don't take this a gospel because I don't know chit when it comes to computers, on button for comp and monitor is all I know.


Gotta wait for the kid to come home on leave to reformatt for me.

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I believe that I have heard it said that if you land or even if your wheels touch the ground the mission timer will end. I have never checked that for myself though. I have had some close calls where I have bounced the carriage a few times but never bothered to check the time.



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I believe that I have heard it said that if you land or even if your wheels touch the ground the mission timer will end. I have never checked that for myself though. I have had some close calls where I have bounced the carriage a few times but never bothered to check the time.




Thanks. Yep, I have heard that postulated in the past as well, but don't personally think it is true.


Anyway, on my last mission this definately didn't happen...I was never even close to the ground except right at takeoff and landing.

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Good question from your nearby airfield, 77Scout!


I've noticed the same thing, although I haven't been flying much at all lately and I didn't much care about the flying time accumulated. However, I will care when I get more time to apply to OFF. Flying several missions of well over a couple of hours and it tabs my accumulated flying time as half an hour or so, for example...??

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Thanks Jimko...nice to know it isn't just me. Guess I will just monitor this and see if there is a pattern to it that I can report on.

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