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Any tips about knocking the two seaters down. Tryed long range 44, 60,27 rounds got hits but it didnt go down. Next I tryed a deflection shot curving into the attack as the RE8 turned to the right I was fairly close and got 3 hits in my wings and 2 in the engine for my troubles ( mine were all misses) had to force land my kite (albatross D-2). Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could do better? :blink:

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attack them where they are most vulnerable: the FE2b (a pusher) is best attacked from below and in front. there is no engine to protect the pilot and observer. attack all tractor types with either an overhead pass or from 6 o'clock low-- preferrably both, and in that order.


but, yeah, the best method for dusting off two-seaters is a shallow diving attack head-on. you'll hit the engine (if you aim well) and force them out of the formation. at which point you can take your time and pepper them at medium ranges. then fly at their 6 o'clock low. get direction below them, perhaps 400 feet below, then zoom climb and give them a quick burst. then immediately turn away-- otherwise they'll turn and kill you at the top of your zoom-climb. make sure you kick the rudder bar around a lot as you dive away. if you've played your cards right, and aimed well, after two solid bursts like that the two-seater is doomed. if you don't get them one of your squadron mates will-and that's just as well.


the aforementioned method works in WWI and WWII flight sims. I've used it on the original Red Baron, Aces over Europe, Aces over the Pacific, Red Baron 3d, Flying Corps Gold, European Air War, Combat Flight Simulator's 1, 2, and 3... and, of course Over Flanders Fields.


I don't turn with two-seaters unless I've killed the observer. if you HAVE to turn with them-- stay on the blind side. they can't shoot through the wings and fuselage.


early in the war, the Roland C.II can only be safely brought down with zoom-attacks from below. conversely, the best German interceptor for dealing with Allied two-seaters early in the war is the Roland. it's not until the arrival of the Albatros D.I and D.II that the Germans acquire a scout that has the speed and firepower to take out enemy two-seaters.


the BE2c is actually modelled more like the BE2e or the BE12-- thusly the Fokker E.III and Halberstadt D.II will have trouble keeping up with it.

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Fly in his rear quarter area on the same course that he is, then kick your rudder around so your nose is pointing at him and bang away at the fully exposed flight crew and engine. If you are proficient at side slips, you can stay next to him, with your nose pointed at him for minutes on end.

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Fe2b and RE8 are easiest prey. I always attack from 200 - 100 feet below their tail, flying their course.

I lift my nose to fire a good burst into the belly, and push down again, before I get into the range of the observer.

You can also fly straight lined up behind him, and shoot the observer, but that is taking the risk to be shot at,

and your engine will be the first to cut out.


With Strutters, you should never try the second version; stay well below - they have a better firing range.


The Bristol fighter reacts on attacks like the name says - that craft will fight. My best successes there where long

range hits, and I could shoot four or five down (in various missions). But almost every time, they shot up my

engine too. My advice: don't attack them, when you must not.


PS: I think, the Brisfit's AI in BHaH is a real masterpiece of aggressive combat defense.

Edited by Olham

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My preferred attack is a stuka dive from above

Set-up is quite critical as you have to dive at a point ahead of him initially

Always continue past and recover below him or the TG will hammer you

Closing speeds are fast so a single burst (preferably in his engine) is all you'll get


After this, the stalk begins on a parallel course below or climbing abreast of him

Once ahead, turn in for a beam attack, aiming ahead of him

If you stay slightly low then the TG can't hit you


But if it's a Biff, run away! :biggrin:

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For a scout pilot, a single 2-seater (unless it's a Brisfit) is no problem; you just have to have patience to avoid the gunner. However, when they're in formation, they cover each other so even while you're in your target's blindspot, the others can get you. The whole trick therefore is to break up the formation, or at least cut your chosen victim out of the herd. As others have mentioned, the best way to do this is a head-on initial attack that cripples his engine. Not only does this make him fall out of formation, but makes maneuvering carefully around his gunner afterwards that much easier.


I must object, however, to Ohlam's characterization of Fees as easy prey. I do rather well in them personally, and now that I've figured out how to lead them in battle, so do my AI wingmen :clapping: .

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Okay then: all Fees so far where easy prey to me, cause you where not in one of them, Bullethead.


I never take the risk to dive attack on them to break the formation. I usually pick out the last flyer.

After the first hit, he will fall back even more. Then I finish him off.

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However, when they're in formation, they cover each other so even while you're in your target's blindspot, the others can get you.

My solution for this is to always attack the lead 2 Seater

The others TGer's can't handle a diving attack even if they can fire over their top wings


I send the wingies after the Tail End Charlies

It's the only attack mode they know so really no other option

Their presence keeps the TGer's off me too

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Guest British_eh

All good info here.


Many two seaters flew solo, and these made up for the majority of "Kills" by both German and British Scouts.


Uncleal is exactly correct. The Lewis could be pulled down, so that it could be fired upwards, although it is reported that it was a bit tricky with keeping the yoke in the right spot,LOL.


Perhaps the Dev's will read this Topic, and throw in more single two seaters, as this was quite common through to at least September 1917, re: P4 :}





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My solution for this is to always attack the lead 2 Seater


That often works well. If the leader is crippled, it can take a while for the rest to sort themselves out, which effectively breaks up the whole formation. But sometimes you find yourself flying into a lead hailstorm. Thus, I usually go for somebody closer to the edge of the formation.

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2 seaters we have said it many times in here ourselves we need more, but we need more everything, time is the only enemy in our way - not enough of it to do everything. They are to be done at some stage.

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