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i have WOE and SF2E installed on my laptop. the original install could run without the disk after installing then it required the disk after adding NF1+2. after i added NF3+4 it did not need the disk again. now on my laptop everything is going fine but some of my hooch mate here are getting interested in the game and all three have vista. as far as anyone knows will WOE consistently load on vista w/o needing the disk? i would like to get an in room network going for some multiplayer action


btw i would think sharing the older version with folks in my unit should b ok. how ever those that ask about SF2E get directed to the Thirdwire website. think that strikes a balance between the soldiers and tk

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I believe with the latest patch WOE will run on vista

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it does. i dont have an issue with it running on my laptop. i was wondering if the running w/o disk was a fluke to my system or if it should work that way on any vista machine.

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I can't speak on the disc issue becaused I've never needed a disc seeing that the original install was downloaded. the problem may arise in using the disc you have in someone else's machine.

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ok then. on my old desktop (xp) it always required the disk to run the program. when i got a laptop for the deployment and it had vista no disc needed after it was installed. then back and forth with the NF installs. guess we'll find out what works on their systems and hope for the best(3 other players in the room none needing the disk to run.) i appreiciate your advice.

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I think that the need for the game discs is not governed by the NFx mods. It's more likely indirectly due to the patch requirements of those addons. At least the Oct08 patch for WoE (and the one for SFP1 and WoV) removed the need to have the CD in the drive, I do not know if this was already implemented in earlier patches.


So if you patch your game up to Oct08, you won't need the CD for playing.





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i appreciate it. i have my install patched Oct08 and have copy of patch on thumbdrive.

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