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Well, I always was an awkward cuss-lol

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Maybe many of you know that I am a QC guy who hardly ever plays Campaign. and after some dogfights in 1.32, I've decided to go back to 1.30c.


The immediate impression on my system was that the terrain is too artificial looking now, bright and stark - and it seems that there are some "Christmas type "trees added, which , to me, just don't seem right. I strongly prefer the previous terrain, and , for me, terrain etc is very important.


The AI seems a bit too maneuverable (uber) up top , and purposeless and stalling near the ground.


And the Archie is everywhere. All the time. IMHO, it was right in the previous patch.


I know that a lot of work has gone into this new patch by the devs, and I appreciate that. Their level of support has never been matched by any other sim maker.


It isn't my intention to be a naysayer, though I'm obviously going to be a very small minority- nonetheless I have given my humble honest opinion. As I say, my use of OFF is limited - hardly any campaign- so the benefits of 1.32 may show up there rather than in my little dogfighting world. :biggrin:


Most folks know that I have been with this sim from the start, and I have long been of the opinion that it is the best sim that there is out there.

I still believe that, it just so happens, that for me , it is OFF v1.30c

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Maybe many of you know that I am a QC guy who hardly ever plays Campaign. and after some dogfights in 1.32, I've decided to go back to 1.30c.


The immediate impression on my system was that the terrain is too artificial looking now, bright and stark - and it seems that there are some "Christmas type "trees added, which , to me, just don't seem right. I strongly prefer the previous terrain, and , for me, terrain etc is very important.


The AI seems a bit too maneuverable (uber) up top , and purposeless and stalling near the ground.


And the Archie is everywhere. All the time. IMHO, it was right in the previous patch.


I know that a lot of work has gone into this new patch by the devs, and I appreciate that. Their level of support has never been matched by any other sim maker.


It isn't my intention to be a naysayer, though I'm obviously going to be a very small minority- nonetheless I have given my humble honest opinion. As I say, my use of OFF is limited - hardly any campaign- so the benefits of 1.32 may show up there rather than in my little dogfighting world. :biggrin:


Most folks know that I have been with this sim from the start, and I have long been of the opinion that it is the best sim that there is out there.

I still believe that, it just so happens, that for me , it is OFF v1.30c


I am not going to argue with you because if 1.30c is your Nirvana that is cool but some observations:


1) AI has not been changed


2) No new extra tree models (all the same as per OFF 2008) - they do vary from place to place always have - more Christmas trees in Verdun and Alsace - less in Somme/Marne.


3) Summer tiles are now faded a bit from then Spring Tiles to show the variance in terms of going into Autumn - prior to 1.32 Summer and Spring had the same tiles...


4) We are already looking at the AA and the RoF (lol yeah Rate of Fire not a sim... )- as it seems too high in some places


Its hard with the AA as there are places that have a lot more AA guns than others so in some areas its now right but hectic in others - so we will look into that.








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Hi FB, thanks each person is entitled to their opinion, but here have been NO changes to AI. Maybe before you had something odd in your install?

Archie was the same but incredibly inaccurate due to a bug. Earlier is less Archie, later is more. Also again as with many issues reported, before jumping to conclusions we ask people to try other settings, dates, squads, for example if there is a major battle on Archie increases.. did you check a quieter time? Also there's a setting for ground fire in workshop try reducing it? We can look at flak default settings, possibly gone more noticible because of major battle andit's more accurate, and louder (until you set your preferred settings in workshop)?


Trees are more dense in areas maybe it doesn't look as good as sparse?

Latest Nvidia drivers make the terrain weird and gritty too so if you have Nvidia and those try reverting some.

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i must say i like the changes very much, am currently flying with Jasta 11 in april 1917 (certainly a good time and place to fly an Albatros lol), but the perception of what happens around "our" aerodrome has drastically changed. The 'drome is near the front and you do now really feel that, unbelievable MG and cannon fire, almost made me jump short after i started the engine. God you really begin to fear for your precious pilot's life with these hammering going on around you ..


The Albatros D.III has changed its behaviour and flight model a bit, it is now a more forgiving bird and easier to roll (at the right speed, that is, and with rudder - yesss!), and it wants to raise the nose so you constantly have to push the js a bit forward at lower altitude - it just feels right.

I even shot away the upper wing of a tripe from RNAS-1 - poor fellow, really felt sorry. Meanwhile i let enemy AI pilots get away when they are obviously shot-up and flee for the trenches ..


Did you also change the lighting and reflection of the celloned fabric - it looks a bit brighter than before, and when changing from shadow into lighted areas, which is a good thing !


I do especially like the start screen with the Albatros :wink: , is it from Mr. Dietz ? Looks great, and adds to the feeling.

The aerodromes are now populated or so it seems, all those crates, props and whatnot standing around - so apart from what i did not see yet, i like this very much !


Thanks and greetings,


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Fortiesboy - I believe to have noticed on myself, that I thought things had changed, which had not.

I hope you give it more tries / more time. I don't find the landscape has become 'artificial' - the

colouring hasn't changed much, I see more detail like heaps of gras, or rows of crop or cornstalks.

Perhaps you give it another try, when you feel you have more time (weekend?).

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Start screen is by Paarma - I just tweaked it some. There were a few other changes but not to the Pup wing cut out anyway - well not intentionally anyway ;).

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