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Broadside uda Barn

New airfield in the English chanel!

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After downing the Richtofen brothers, the good British hierchy transfered my squadron to the other side of the english chanel! I've flown 10 missions with no sightings of the enemy, even tho many of my squadron pilots are dying and getting victory claims entered and confirmed. Very odd. Is this a bug? Were there ever squadrons assigned to dover/london area, who werent there to fight the Gothas? Since there are no Gothas in OFF campaign, what's the point of being on this side of the war? Or am I just hitting a dry spell of activity (It is March of 1918)? That might make sense...but I know very little about this side of the chanel....


Also, in case no one has noticed, there's an airfield in the middle of the English chanel!

There are trees also, in the chanel along with hangers!

I thought this might be a naval base, till I saw the trees :blink:





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After downing the Richtofen brothers, the good British hierchy transfered my squadron to the other side of the english chanel! I've flown 10 missions with no sightings of the enemy, even tho many of my squadron pilots are dying and getting victory claims entered and confirmed. Very odd. Is this a bug? Were there ever squadrons assigned to dover/london area, who werent there to fight the Gothas? Since there are no Gothas in OFF campaign, what's the point of being on this side of the war? Or am I just hitting a dry spell of activity (It is March of 1918)? That might make sense...but I know very little about this side of the chanel....


Also, in case no one has noticed, there's an airfield in the middle of the English chanel!

There are trees also, in the chanel along with hangers!

I thought this might be a naval base, till I saw the trees :blink:



Hi Broadside, It should be the middle of summer over here at the moment but it as not stopped raining so i think the dev's have taken this into account and made this sim even more life like because it will not be long before the whole of England is under water.......

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Interestingly, after restarting OFF (had to get a beer, and move the cat who was attacking my rudder pedals), I saw this message as it started:

Current Status- in 8 RNAS

We are currently enjoying a well deserved break back in ol' blighty. We now have a chance to freshen up our tactics, fly routine patrols and repair our battered craft. The date is 10 March 1918 and ther seems to be no sign of ... "


Wow, did they retire me? rofl!


I'm thinking of trying to make it across the chanel back to the front for some action...Richtofen is back in the air, and he knows I'm after him!

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Hi Broadside, It should be the middle of summer over here at the moment but it as not stopped raining so i think the dev's have taken this into account and made this sim even more life like because it will not be long before the whole of England is under water.......





If it keeps up, I'll need pontoons on my Camel!




I spoke to soon. they transferred me to my new home field at Teleghem...I guess we got a couple of months back in London for R & R. As it turns out, Bullethead had drank all the beer, so our squadron was forced into service to brew at the pubs to make up for the shortage!

Comon Bullethead! set a limit dude!

Edited by Broadside uda Barn

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You hit the nail right on the head mate. RNAS squadrons protected Ol' Blighty from bases in Dover as well as on the other side of the Channel. There was much clamour from the local populace when all of their aircraft were in France fighting "over there" and zeppelins and Gothas were free to roam at will, causing great damage (mostly psychologicial).


Some squadrons were rotated back to Blighty, and got some R&R in London, seeing all the latest shows etc.


Perhaps the channel airfield was the Isle of Wight and there was a REALLY high tide that day.


You may have noticed that sometimes when you're sent on a mission, Flight 1 comprising some of your Squadron Aces (plus two others) flew the same mission. Other times, just your flight was assigned that mission. When you're not flying, others take to the air. Perhaps that is how your squadron mates increased their victory tallies (or claims list), while you saw no sign of enemy activity.


Oh...and as if the camel wasn't difficult enough to fly, you want to put pontoons on her.


Staff Sergeant...detain that man and escort him under arrest to the psychiatrist.

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While you are over there you can fly up the Thames and through Tower Bridge. I think my pilot (at the time) was with 56 Sqn SE5a's early 1918. It's pretty boring so you have to fast forward the time.

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Also, in case no one has noticed, there's an airfield in the middle of the English chanel!


From your map, that looks more like the Thames Estuary than the Channel. I guess the tide really came in that day, and of course they hadn't built the barrier thingies yet :biggrin:

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Give my regards to Lord Nelson if you would mate!


Edited by Rickitycrate

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That's Global Warming for ya!

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I'm back in France and it's April 2...MVR is going down, for good this time.

The air is HEAVY with AC, but I'll find him...3 weeks to go and I can finally end this controversy.

Not Brown, Not The Aussie, its going to be Flight commander Archibald B. Wellington!

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