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Neat AI Trick

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There I was at about 8000 feet in my Alb D.II tangling with a Pup. He tried to go vertical 1 too many times, when I had more E than he did. As he hung there on his prop, I came up from behind him and drilled him GOOD! Point blank range with debris, smoke, and sparks flying everywhere. I'm surprised a major part didn't come off. Having been shot down in Pups many times, I figured I'd done more than enough to kill him, especially as I'd winged him some before.


So, as I zoomed on by him still vertical, he stalled and went into a wobbly, irregular spin, trailing a slight amount of black smoke. Looked like a dead man in an unflyable plane. I pulled over the top and spiraled down above him, because I wanted to watch him crash.


Good thing I kept my on him, though, because at about 300 feet he suddenly pulled out and started flying away straight and level towards home. The old spin-out-of-a-bad-situation trick! COOL :good: I've of course read of this many times in WW1 accounts, and I use it myself on occasion, but I'd never seen the AI do it until now. Of course, he was hurt, very slow and still smoking somewhat, but fully under control and not losing altitude noticeably.


For a brief moment I considered letting him go out of respect, a novel change of pace, but decided I'd never be able to live with myself if I did. I'm Evil, after all. So I went after him and finished him off with another good burst to 1 wing. He flopped into the ground and stayed there this time :biggrin: .

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They fight to win, or at least to survive...don't they? In my original review when OFF BHaH first came out I posted that I wasn't suprised that I found myself fighting for my life in this sim. What amazed me was, looking out into the sky, I could see other men desperately fighting for their lives as well. Your post is but one example of how OBD weaves that incredible illusion so masterfully.



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My D-3 pilot Dirty Oil shot up 3 BE2c s over five missions then notice the last one spun from the flight trailing smoke but while the Albatross D-3 circled the BE2c flatten out and ran for the lines this was pior to the super patch. Could have something to do with claims being rejected? Theres a lot going on in the sim. :rofl:

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I have noticed that a few times too bullet. I have followed before and then been pounced on by the culprits wingmen who are far from disabled. Gotta love this game and its sneaky AI.

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I have noticed that a few times too bullet. I have followed before and then been pounced on by the culprits wingmen who are far from disabled. Gotta love this game and its sneaky AI.


Ah, so it was you that took the bait, hehe.

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