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Two quick questions

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What causes the damaged lod of an object to do this?

The damaged aircraft itself is there (about an inch to the left off the screen), but not the main lod




Also what should I change to keep land targets on land!




This is the WWII Europe terrain

Edited by warthog64

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Can't quite make out what's happening in the first screenie, so I'll leave that one alone.


On to the second...


You mean Duster's can't swim???? :haha:


To answer the question, rebuild the targets.ini; first to be checking the EXACT locations of the objects in the varying target areas -ie: where are they now, and them move them to spots NOT in the ocean.


It's a known problem with terrains where the targets have been laid out with a 'copy/paste' style of populating. This is most prevelant with cities; as these need (ok, REQUIRE) a custom, indvidualized layout for their objects due to the differences in tile shapes/type used. Something I'm all tooo familiar with!!


For an easy cheat to check EACH target area, see this post in the KB:




Honestly, I don't know why no one ever thought of it before!!! It's a fraking life/eyesight/mind saver!!! And works like a charm!!



kevin stein

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When did you learn to play the trumpet Wrench (just teasing :smile:)

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Your first question I've sometimes seen happen if a cockpit entry is tweaked the wrong way.


I don't remember the details exactly, but I think it has to do with the CanopyNodeName parameter...something like that.



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Thanks for everyones help! Target issue fixed, and I'll see what I can do with the Lod question.

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