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Dead is Dead (sort of)

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It was not obvious, but I discovered that I could reuse the same pilot name over and over again. So in my quest to get a 4sqn pilot from 1915 in BE2c's to 1918 in RE8's (my old squadron, so I have a sentimental attachment to it) I discovered that you can re-use the same exact pilot name over and over again. I am now up to the sixth resurrection of my pilot Fred Bloggs who keeps on re-enlisting as a 2nd Lt. and has now made it to Nov 1915 and shot down a couple of Fokker EIIIs along the way.


I am considering using the American way of calling the pilot 'Fred Bloggs the sixth' and so on. Maybe I will be able to keep track better that way. I am just wondering how many DiD pilots I will have to go through to get to Nov 11th 1918....


Personally I would prefer it if my squadron had flown Brisfits or Sopwith 1 1/2 strutters or anything else, but the history is there, and OFF sticks to that.


I think it is wonderful that they know where my squadron was at any time and what aircraft they were flying. It all adds to the immersion.


Is anyone else trying to keep with one squadron/Jasta through the whole war?

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Jim, I'll try a similar thing now (maybe with Jasta 12, must check, what craft they got).

But I also use same names again. I have three first names which I use in combination

with either my dad's or my mum's family names. I don't add numbers, cause I have

long lost count, and it would depress me to see how bad I am. (Lol!)


Another idea I may try soon, is to follow Udet's way through the whole war, as he has

been in various Jasta and flown almost all the German craft.

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Hi Jim, i do the same, started with N73 1915 and now into 1917.Used 14 different pilots so far.At this rate you could make this game last a real life time.

I've flown for over 150 hrs at DiD 120% settings.Started on a Nieu 11 now flying spads it's great fun.

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Maybe we should start a DiD 'whole war in one squadron' thread and bump it occasionally. I must admit I fly more exciting craft sometimes, but my main campaign is 4sqn. The nice thing about OFF is that you can enlist as many pilots in as many air forces and with as many aircraft as you like. I can fly for the RFC and the German force in the same night! Maybe they should shoot me as a traitor but I won't tell them :smile:

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Another idea I may try soon, is to follow Udet's way through the whole war, as he has

been in various Jasta and flown almost all the German craft.


I haven't tried switching an existing pilot to a different squadron/Jasta. Can you do this?

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I haven't tried switching an existing pilot to a different squadron/Jasta. Can you do this?


I don't think you can,i tried it but you just start a fresh and loose all your history.It would be good if you could though.

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Someone had done it, I thought. Copied the whole pilot's log and wrote the new Jasta in it and saved it.

I think it was so easy. Anyone any knowlwdge here?

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Maybe we could ask the OBD developers if this would be possible in P4. Of course it would be only of interest to those who know the real history of the pilots in the war. For those who want to shoot down stuff generally it would not be of interest.


The ultimate would be that you could enrol as, say, Mick Mannock, and follow his career, either shooting down more or less EA and then being killed on a certain date. Somehow I don't really want this even if it were possible.

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I think it was Creaghorn, who did such Jasta - changing, but unfortunately he is on holidays.

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Another thing on the wish list would be if you could fly different aircraft, like Albert Ball say,He use to like his Nuiep while the others were flying SE's etc.

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:good: Best I can do: Wikipeda.Org Flying aces of World War I. scroll down lists all pilot names both sides. Starts at 5 Kills and goes up. Thought I saw it mention 2 seaters too.

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For each nationality, I use the same surnames based on nationality, representing my various consanguinous clans of Bullethead, Flingetete, and Geschosskopf (all of whom breed like flies and ain't worth the rope to hang them, so they end up in wargames). I distinguish members of each clan by their 1st names. The 1st name of the 1st pilot in each clan starts with the letter "A" and so on through the alphabet, whereupon I start over. I've gone through the Brit alphabet 1.3 times so far but have hardly scratched the others.


I distinguish Brit from US pilots of the same surname by giving the Brits 1st names that are either Celtic or otherwise British (Aleswiller, Bangers, Carradoc) while the US names are cowboys names (Arizona, Butch, Cisco). I my German pilots have names like Achdulieber, Bierstein, and (my current Pfalz driver) Einmehr. The French pilots are all Cajun volunteers so have names like Atchafalaya, Boudreaux, and Carboneau.

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My name is Detlev Juergen Guenther Mahlo.

So my German pilots are using these first names; their family names are either Mahlo or Harms (mother's side).


My foreign pilots will have first names with D.

So my British pilots are named David Marlowe (fighters) or Douglas McMarlow (two-seats).

My Americans are named Donald Marlowe (fighters) and Dennis Marlowe (two-seats).

My French will be Daniel St. Malo (fighters) and Didier Malo (two-seats).


Ain't this fun?

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