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Check Six

TrackIR Version 5.0

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TrackIR Version 5.0 Beta testing is complete. Received this email today...


"Version 5.0 of the TrackIR software is now available in final form. Version 5.0 supports TrackIR 5 and 4 and introduces an overhauled UI with improved profile management, light filtering, and preview capabilities."


If you are using TrackIR 5.0, please visit Natural Point site to download the finalised software version.


I haven't used the new version yet, but will tonight.

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I loaded the new version this evening and am very pleased with it. I have a TIR4 and the beta patch was jerky. This final version is very smooth and the interface seems a lot easier to use the 4 software.



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Any reason to upgrade from the beta software to this new version?




I have downloaded the new version, but haven't yet used it. When you attempt to download it, it gives you an install wizard that basically insists on you uninstalling your older version first. Perhaps it might be prudent to save your old version first.

Edited by Check Six

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Any reason to upgrade from the beta software to this new version?


Hi Barn,

No reason not to really. Final-B is the same as Beta-5b essentially. You just end up with a version that doesn't have "beta" in it. From my experience with NP it is safe to upgrade to their latest anytime one is available. They work very hard to make sure what they put out is quality and reliable. There were a few stinker releases early on with version 5 but they were all beta versions so I think that gives them a little "working space." Certainly, from my experience, production releases are rock solid.


When the first 5.0 beta came out it was really bad. I (along with others) submitted a list of a dozen or so really bad issues. I was almost embarrassed to complain about so many things! To their credit, they replied to me, quoting me point by point and showed how they were working through each and every issue. Some of my complaints were more like "requests" and they fixed and added every single issue I listed. Several other people did the same and as far as I know, they fixed and added all their issue too. I was very impressed. I have the utmost respect and admiration for Seth, Vince and the folks at Natural Point. There is a lot of similarity between them and the OBD guys.


We are very blessed between OBD and NP.


So, long winded way of saying "Go for it, download and use the latest TIR software!"

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Good news. Thanks Homeboy. I haven't "as yet" used the new softawre as i have been busy with our Art and Model Show, but I'll fire it up tomorrow.

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Would it make sense to upgrade my TrackIR 4 Pro, when it's working fine?

I mean, are there advantages or improvements?

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I am still using my perfectly good TrackIR 4, but the 5.0.Final drivers eliminated all the problems that I had using 5.0.beta drivers. I would drfinately recommend trying the 5.0.Final drivers, they are really nice.

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Would it make sense to upgrade my TrackIR 4 Pro, when it's working fine?

I mean, are there advantages or improvements?


That's a tough call sir.


TIR4 works really well. You know that, I know that. Everybody that has one knows that.


What TIR5 offers over TIR4 is greatly enhanced resolution (I'm too lazy to quote you specifics, I'll give you that as a homework assignment. :biggrin: ). Now, that might not sound like much but the difference is much smoother and easier to control head movement. A reasonable analogy that comes to mind is my giving up my beloved 21" Sony Trinitron CRT monitor for a 24" widescreen LCD. I scoffed at everybody who was touting how much better the LCD was than the CRT. I remember saying almost exactly these words: "Why should I get rid of a perfectly good monitor for one of these LCDs?" Well, when I finally broke down and did it, I loaded up that CRT and rushed it the the recycling center so fast you wouldn't believe it! I feel almost the same way toward the TIR5.


...but, each to his own. I sure would not argue that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the TIR4!


Hope that made a little sense anyway.


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Yup! Smoother easier head movement control is a big enough reason to change.

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I have downloaded the new version, but haven't yet used it. When you attempt to download it, it gives you an install wizard that basically insists on you uninstalling your older version first. Perhaps it might be prudent to save your old version first.



I was able to install version 5 without uninstalling version 4. Install went fine, results were nice! I personally think function is smoother and more reliable. I deleted the version 4 icon from my desktop (though not the v.4 program), the version 5 placed a new icon on my desktop, and all is functioning well.



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I installed TrackIRv5BFinal over my old version 4 also. The installer makes a new folder in the Natural Point directory in Program Files. As far as I can tell version 4 does not conflict with the new software. I definately noticed a marked improvement with smoother head movements with Version 5 - not at all jumpy like I experienced with Version 4. I am using my old camera and old TrackClipPro. The new Version 5B Final release recognizes my TrackIR 4 hardware at launch time so I may not have to upgrade my hardware. I have an inquiry with Natural Point if they plan to offer a deal to upgrade old hardware to the new.



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