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Any advice is appreciated. As I am using my laptop to run OFF BH&H I would like to move my WWI simming to a desktop pc. Money is short for a new rig and I was just given a Dell Dimension 2350. It may not be worth much bother toward running OFF eventually. I think I need to upgrade the graphics to a GeForce 9500GT and increase the ram to 1G. Currently it gives a virus spyware warning and seems to not run any programs. I get an exe. file missing message. I am not computer smart. :haha: I am thinking I should do a system recovery and try for a clean XP install. If anyone cares to advise me I can supply more specs and photo's if that helps. It is missing the sound card too. :dntknw:

Did some more checking, I may need to doa 9400 1G card. I don't know if this is a PCI or a PCIe. I need to figure that out somehow.The service tag is DPC6521 I guess checking with Dell should help, right? I wonder if I could run IL 2 if I increase the ram to 1G and upgrade the graphics to a Nvidea 8400GS?

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Also, I am unfamiliar with XP. Should I run XP on this sucker or something else? Still researching.

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Don't know if they keep records that long, best you can hope for is AGP


Scroll down this page at the bottom is what to look for:



Also back then 1.5Ghtz was considered fast


Did he include the speakers, mouse, keyboard, monitor ?

Hi uncleal, I got everything but the monitor and soundcard.

Being ignorant I do not know wht AGP stands for. I do see PCI cards available 512 and 1G.

This is the one Dell recommends. http://accessories.dell.com/sna/PopupProdu...89&price=60

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Yeah, I did suspect that, hehe. Hey sometimes rain is a good thing. Seems there are no AGP slots.

Edited by Rickitycrate

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Maybe I can help you, Dell does have very fast mobo's but are limited in OC and upgrading. If it is a AGP slot it should be still no problem here, there are good aftermarket ATI cards for playing OFF3. 


But first download SIW to determine your system, http://www.gtopala.com/ get the free version.









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PCI slots for sure. I spoke with a local geek and he reaffirmed what Uncleal said and as I suspected. Crapola doorstop. Of course the geek went on to try to build me a $800 gaming rig but funds are lacking thses days so no go. Still have my good laptop to OFF with so I am good. Thanks for your help and advice guys.

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