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"Phantom" Bogies

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I use the TAC and labels. I would not survive long without them. On occasion I see what I call "phantom" bogies. While patrolling I usually have the TAC set for 8NM and to detect airplanes only. When I see white squares indicating bogies I fly to investigate. I will adjust the range of the TAC downward as I get close to them until I see the labels. In a mission last night I had two white squares within 1NM of me but never saw a label. I searched for quite a while at different altitudes but never saw them. At some times they were closer than my wingman whose square was blue whereas their squares remained white. Shouldn't they have changed to red or blue?


After looking for them for some time I gave up and flew home. I have seen this several times although not on all missions. Has anyone else encountered this? Does anyone have an explanation?




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Condor, were there a lot of clouds or haze about?

Sometimes labels won't show through haze

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Condor, when they where much higher than you, they would appear centered, but still white,

cause the distance was big. Labels only show within closer range - first in white, then in red.

When you saw no labels, they where further away, and maybe even above clouds, as Duce said.

Edited by Olham

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The TAC distance of eight miles forms a ball with a radius of 8 NM.

Also above and below you. So when white specs enter at the north pole of the ball,

they appear near the center already, not earlier. But they remain white.

Edited by Olham

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Condor they were above you...way above you.

Turn on the targeting cone, and it'll point to them.

It was probably 2 seaters, otherwise, they'd have dove on you and made matchsticks of your crate :smile:

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Thanks for the responses. I guess had just been thinking in terms of horizontal distance.

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