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Hi all,


I'm a port-over from Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2. I bought SFP1 way back when (Not the Wal-Mart release) and was waiting for the patch to be released when I had a 'puter crash and just never reinstalled the sim. I just recently picked up a copy of WOV from eBay but have not installed that one just yet.


At that time I remember ArmourDave was working on a Thud and another group was working on an A-6 that I was looking forward to. I did get ArmourDave's Thud the other day and LOVE IT!


I'd like to say how much I like the effort that was put into the knowledge base area for people like me, just a wealth of info to take in. Also, I have to say how well the downloads library is organized, just awesome!


I do have a couple of q's that I didn't happen to notice covered in the knowledge base (unless I overlooked them).


I know there's not a "free flight" mode in SFP1, but is there a way I can just take a plane up and get familiar with it without the need to engage hostile planes? Whenever I install a new plane, I usually like to take it for a spin around the block a couple of times.


Also, will the SF 1 series run on Vista? The machine I have now has seen better days and I think my power supply may be on the verge of crapping out and have been going back and forth as to whether to upgrade the existing machine or get a new one.


Looking forward to getting up to speed with your help.


Kind regards,


A-6 Driver

Edited by A-6 Driver

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Question 1: Sure, just set 'On Runway' as a starting point in options, then takeoff and don't go anywhere, just hang out at the airfield doing circuits.


Question 2: Yes, once you are patched up to the Oct 08 level, any first generation ThirdWire sim should run on Vista without tweaking.



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Guest rscsjsuso5

on this question"I know there's not a "free flight" mode in SFP1, but is there a way I can just take a plane up and get familiar with it without the need to engage hostile planes? Whenever I install a new plane, I usually like to take it for a spin around the block a couple of times."


answer- go into your aircraft folder and delete the aircrafts that are in it but be sure to make a copy/ back it up. don't delete your favorite aircraft. and also delete what is within the groundobjects and also make a backup/ copy of it.



on this question"Also, will the SF 1 series run on Vista? The machine I have now has seen better days and I think my power supply may be on the verge of crapping out and have been going back and forth as to whether to upgrade the existing machine or get a new one."


answer-go to http://www.thirdwire.com/projects.htm


enjoy your sim experience

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Just in case however... install this driver in the main game directory, as it may ask for it. That's the only issue I've run into with it on Vista.


And you can have "free flight" style missions, just a mission designer to create a Recon mission, or Fighter Sweep with no fighters to shoot down. Player made missions don't spawn enemy aircraftt like Single Missions do. However ground threats (SAMs, AAA) are still spawned so you can't fly over enemy territory without getting shot at, but if you fly over the stock Desert map AAA isn't an issue. And I'd recommend the newer SF2 but that's me...


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Download the Bombing range terrain and you will be able to fly around and practice without having to worry about enemy fighters.

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Somewhat new myself, no practical flight or service experience just been simming for several years.

I was a big European Air War fan back in the Win98 days.


I know what you mean about wanting to just fly around and get a feel for the craft.

I also wanted to check out the terrain in WoV.


Here is a simple start I made for my trusty F-100, on the runway at Pleiku.

download mission file, on runway at Pleiku


There are no other units in the mission.

You could swap any other plane through the loadout dialog in the hanger.


Eventually I hope to fly off to the Cho Pong Massif in support of the 1st Cav in the I drang vallery.



Edited by Oswald Bastable

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Hey everybody,


Thanks for the big welcome as well as to answering my questions. I did download the Vista driver and put that in a safe place til I get a new rig.


Think I'll go get the bombing range and use that for the free flight mode and hone my ground attack skills besides.


Thanks again,


A-6 Driver

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Download the Bombing range terrain and you will be able to fly around and practice without having to worry about enemy fighters.


Yep, that's my thing also. :good:

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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