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Musings on the Spad

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I remember the Spad. The one in ol'RB and the one I have for FS2004. I suspect it is the least hinkey WWI plane.


I have models of the Spad in 1/48 both 7s and 13s.


I have Books and articles about the Spad.


The Spad won't stand on it's wingtip like the Spit. But it will do a half roll inside and an outside if your high enough. And it's a steady gun platform when you need it.


I was ready a thread about game immersion and I remembered the Spad.

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So what - are you a new OFF pilot?

In that case: welcome in Flanders, Roger - and please send me a PM with your

hometown and country, so I can add you in on the OFF Pilots map.


If you're not yet: get the sim (you can't do anything wrong there!), and OFF yer go!

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I will be a new OFF pilot when the progam arrives. I'm an old many sims pilot who faced many an AI.


If your making up a map for OLP I have dial up.


There was a thread that drifted off into game immersion so I thought this thread would be OK. I thought someone would say something about the Spad in OFF


If the higher ups want to remove this thread no beef from me.yes.gif


By the way why In wrote half roll instead of half loop, I will never fathom.

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What do you mean - a map for OLP? We have a map with the OFF Pilots, in the stickies.

I have written some about the SPAD, and how great she is after the corrections on FM.

It must be two, three pages back: "Flying the new SPAD" and "Fighting in the SPAD".


Why should anyone want to remove your thread ???? You would have to say something really

bad to make that happen; don't worry.


That looks like Richard Widmark in your avatar. Great actor he was.

Give me the town and country when you have the sim, okay, Roger?

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I think OLP is online play. Roger, we like to welcome new fliers and invite them to let us know where they are from just for the purpose of appreciating how far flung the fans/users of OFF are. Your post is fine with no reason for it to be deleted. In fact we want you to feel welcome to say your piece and to ask questions any time you need. We do suggest that you read the stickies especially OFF Tips and Cheats. There is a lot of good information to read the FAQ's at the OFF Homepage. Just click on the banner at the top of the page, same Homepage where you placed your order. Many of us love the Spad XIII, especially us Yanks. My heroes flew her and I too have read all I can find on her and have the model kits as well. I am so happy right now because some good talented men are making skins for the colorful Spads of the 94th Aerosquad from 1919. Some call them the "Showbird Spads" They include the American flag Spad of Reed Chambers. You see, you belong here, we are fiends, Welcome to our little group.

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I think he may be reacting to Olham's greeting.


Roger55--Olham meant no harm or insult to you. He is one of the nicest people on the forum and has never said a cross word to anyone that I can remember. He is not a native English speaker, however. This is usually not a problem for him but he may have unintentionally come across as being confrontational in his post. I am positive he did not mean to be.


Olham--In the USA, "So what" usually is meant as a challenge, often followed by a sarcastic comment, as in "So what if you have 25 confirmed claims in only 10 sorties. What realism level are you using--10%?" I think Roger55 thought you were calling him a little wet behind the ears instead of merely welcoming him to the forum and inviting him to tell us where he is from. I understood what you really meant, but maybe Roger55 didn't.

Edited by Herr Prop-Wasche

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I think he may be reacting to Olham's greeting.


Roger55--Olham meant no harm or insult to you. He is one of the nicest people on the forum and has never said a cross word to anyone that I can remember. He is not a native English speaker, however. This is usually not a problem for him but he may have unintentionally come across as being confrontational in his post. I am positive he did not mean to be.


Olham--In the USA, "So what" usually is meant as a challenge, often followed by a sarcastic comment, as in "So what if you have 25 confirmed claims in only 10 sorties. What realism level are you using--10%?" I think Roger55 thought you were calling him a little wet behind the ears instead of merely welcoming him to the forum and inviting him to tell us where he is from. I understood what you really meant, but maybe Roger55 didn't.



I am in agreement with Herr Prop wasche. The term refects the region in which the person was raised For Example, In the early 70s I was in Europe and the peace sign (V) ment something different then what it did in the U.S.A. Fast forward to shakeing hands in some parts of the Arab world U just dont do it. however, in the U.S. Its a sign of greeting the open hand meaning without weapon dates back to Rome.

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I think he may be reacting to Olham's greeting.


Roger55--Olham meant no harm or insult to you. He is one of the nicest people on the forum and has never said a cross word to anyone that I can remember. He is not a native English speaker, however. This is usually not a problem for him but he may have unintentionally come across as being confrontational in his post. I am positive he did not mean to be.


Olham--In the USA, "So what" usually is meant as a challenge, often followed by a sarcastic comment, as in "So what if you have 25 confirmed claims in only 10 sorties. What realism level are you using--10%?" I think Roger55 thought you were calling him a little wet behind the ears instead of merely welcoming him to the forum and inviting him to tell us where he is from. I understood what you really meant, but maybe Roger55 didn't.



Frank Luke was born in the state in which I live. The university that I went to had a collection of his photos and some family papers.


We use to have a museum in this city out at Falcon Field. They had a large collections of replicas and some restored WWI AC. The Spad was a beauty. Whoever built the replica did an outstanding job. The DR1 was from the movie The Blue Max. It was so-so.


The museum was featured in Over the Front. But they couldn't make a go of it and the collection went to Seattle.


There's an USAAF Air Base here named after Luke.


The Spads I have are both French. Storks you see.


Yes, I thought I had pissed someone off .


The Photo is from a movie called: The Garden of Evil. The tag at the end of my posts is Gary Coopers Last line in the film. My girlfriend in highschool thought I smiled like Widmark.

Edited by Roger55

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Welcome to the forum, Roger55. I think you will really like it here. Everyone is very friendly--well, except for that uncleAl fellow before his morning coffee! :wink::grin:

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Welcome aboard! New guy buys the drinks! :drinks_drunk:


You won't regret getting OFF--it's almost too immersive.

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Thanks all for a good English lesson, and for clearing that.

Yes, indeed I didn't mean it in the sense it is used - didn't know that, Roger.

So, welcome again, and thanks for the info on the films - that line is very good and so true.


If you like the SPAD, have a look into our "screenshots" sticky above (one or two pages back).

There are some crazy designs on some, done by pilots here (one from me).

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Thanks all for a good English lesson, and for clearing that.

Yes, indeed I didn't mean it in the sense it is used - didn't know that, Roger.

So, welcome again, and thanks for the info on the films - that line is very good and so true.


If you like the SPAD, have a look into our "screenshots" sticky above (one or two pages back).

There are some crazy designs on some, done by pilots here (one from me).


Pleased to meet you you and all the other gentlemen.


I just got a new computer. The old HP Compac "Horror's" motherboard was covered with capacitors leaking dialectic. I thought I could update some of my stuff because for the first time Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 ran at frame rates above 20, far above 20.good.gif


I've been on another thread hearing what many a member here has had to say about the inadequacy of my Celeron E1400 2GHz CPU and my Ge Force 8400gs 512 MB Video card. So all my experience with OFF so far has been searching for compatible CPUs that my computer tech (time is money) can quickly plug into my mother board. Check the Bios version, check the socket, check the board, read all the stuff on the Intel site.yikes.gif So, I haven't looked around at screen shots or done much searching here yet.


Anyhow I've had flight sims since DOS. And though my reactions have slowed and AI's are tougher, if I can start with a turned down flight model and extra ammo I can usually work my way up.


I have a Sidewinder(XP recognizes it), some Pro Peddals (XP sees those), and a Throttle Quadrant (XP sees those). I like the Throttle best because I can use my left hand to throttle down and not have to reach across the keyboard. That reach usually causes fighting at full throttle all the time with the resulting reduction in the accuracy of deflection shots (I got Priller once with a deflection shot from 500 yards out-I set my convergence zone out not in on Spits).


I was born the very day the UN troops stopped retreating and stabilized the Pusan Perimeter in Korea. My greatest sim achievement was to fly the Atlantic in the Spirit of St Louis, one of the most unstable AC ever built. It took me 34 hours and my dead recconing put me south of Ireland by 40 miles but I ccould see the coast, worse than Linberg. heat.gif


Sorry, I don't drink beer any more. Want some V-8?


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.Salute.gif



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I don't fly the SPAD myself, because I favor low speed manuverability. You might find THIS SPAD vastly different from all others, you've flown over the years, in various sims.


Boom and Zoom is it's forte, and don't get into a turning battle . .or . . you might get your virtual pilot killed


On-Line activity is privately organized, and has been since Mickys$ft pulled the plug on the CFS3 Server, as a cost cutting action. Over a year back


Mano e Mano Dogfights are gone, but fun still abounds



PS . . don't read the contents on that can of V 8 . . Heavy Sodium . . Stick to the Premium Beers, stay away from the cheapo garbage, like Busch, and Old Milwalkee


Low speed manuverability? like the DR1 and the Bebe. Or the Sopwith Pup.


I hope there is a free flight mode. I need to find out when a dive will put the plane into the ground or when the wings come off, how she turns, WHAT WILL STALL HERyikes.gif , and the gravity model for bullet flight.


The Spad's aerlerons always made her stiff to fly and the rudder is a little small. That's I think why she's not a turner. She's more a dive and climb half looper, and a steady gun platform (that's why Fonc the sharp shooter loved her).



Can't have any alchohol at allno.gif . Want some Lutheran wine i.e grape juice with carbonated water about 50/50ok.gif . Or maybe a Methodist Screw Driver i.e. Orange Juice with carbonated water 50/50. It's got a real kickblink.gif .

Edited by Roger55

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Hello Roger555,

welcome to the OFF skies !

I also have been playing flight sims since the old DOS days, and i still remember MS's FS and FS2, with it's WW1 "scenery" lol.

I also tried to cross the Atlantic in this Ryan bird, and remember having difficulties to even take off in this overladen bird. But i did not have the patience to make it to Paris dntknw.gif . But at least i took the challenge from England to Australia, in this DeHavilland Comet. Boy did i have to train to get this bird taxiing on the runway, and land it.


In reality it seems the SPAD VII was a better bird than the XIII, i wonder why they never equipped it with two MGs. And the XIII crankshaft and other problems would me make reluctant to have flown it in reality .. never try to out-turn anything german in a XIII no.gif


Greetings from Germany,


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post-53134-12514033133658_thumb.jpgA little Better view if you don't recognize her.

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this SPAD model is simply great. You CAN turn in her, when you either bank hard and use

ONLY elevator; or you bank some 30 - 40 degrees, and use rudder. Both together doesn't

seem to work. In steep fast dives, controls "stiffen up" a bit, but still work.


I have attacked DVIIs in her and turned half or three quarter turns with them, before I ran

off again. It worked. The only German crate that shot me down, was a Dr.1 so far.

With those guys, you should NEVER try even a little turning.


I have put my new American SPAD skin into the download section now. Enjoy it.

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this SPAD model is simply great. You CAN turn in her, when you either bank hard and use

ONLY elevator; or you bank some 30 - 40 degrees, and use rudder. Both together doesn't

seem to work. In steep fast dives, controls "stiffen up" a bit, but still work.


I have attacked DVIIs in her and turned half or three quarter turns with them, before I ran

off again. It worked. The only German crate that shot me down, was a Dr.1 so far.

With those guys, you should NEVER try even a little turning.


I have put my new American SPAD skin into the download section now. Enjoy it.


The Spad in the picture is about 8 out of 10 in complexity for FS 2004. The Frame rate you can see is is 70 locked at 75. In the 3D cockpit she runs at 50 or so.


This is why I question the need for a new CPU. MSFS is a hog of CPU time and Memory. But you guys know this sim and I don't.


Now about NY to Paris. The trick with the Spirit is to keep taking off with more and more gas. The control is a big problem because they used the Standard Ryan Wing and tail and their control surfaces. Lindy was trying to beat Byrd's takeoff date so he would not allow the Ryan engineer to redesign anything.


You have to get used to those sluggish controls made almost impossible by all that weight. The only way I could do it was to fly from the outside because that cockpit is idiotic. The plane drifts with the torque and has no trim. Your hand is on the stick the whole way. The earth inductor compass is really hard to use to help you correct. It's easier to watch the plane and the sim's heading indicator outside the cockpit. The stick needs constant adjustment and you have to pause to work the cramp out of you hand every hour or so.heat.gif


Those Comets are taking off into a storm at night if you use the race flight. That means practicing with the worst weather you can set. I always start practice at Edwards. You can get a B36 off of that runway. It's a good place to make your mistakes.


Listen to me. This is what happens when you fly mail routes in winter weather from NY to Chicago in a DH with nothing but a road mapno.gif . You get crazyblink.gif .


This is the OFF site Roger55. You discuss OFF here.


I'm glad to hear that you can at least turn With a DH7 in a Spad. That has been my experience in the olden days. But don't mess with a Flying Razor.

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Roger, did you fly the sim "Flying Corps Gold"?


I only have vague memories, cause I didn't get very far with it, but I think,

it would have been great, if I had understood the handbook better.

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Roger, did you fly the sim "Flying Corps Gold"?


I only have vague memories, cause I didn't get very far with it, but I think,

it would have been great, if I had understood the handbook better.



I don't know? The stuff I bought and rejected is stored in boxes and drawers all over the place.


I put things where I'll remember where they are, and they just go off somewhere else on their own.grin.gif

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