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I'm using Brain's new tile set for VietnamSEA, but outside of the coastline, I've got the default crappy water. His readme didn't list anything specific to use (or I missed it).


Any ideas?



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I've actually got that file. I installed it into the VietnamSEA terrain folder, but it doesn't show up.



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Bitmaps and shaders don't work too well in this series, particularly when dealing with a shader that attempts to utilize a transparent texture, along with mip-mapping. TGA files are better suited to that, as they can handle transparency, and the shader script can be written to cause the mip-mapped textures to "roll" out of synch (to one another), giving one the impression of depth (you don't need caustics to achieve that).


Another draw-back to Bitmaps, is that they appear to be "blocky" when viewed up close, irregardless of the bitmap's resolution (though that can be addressed to a degree by changing a value in the shader script).

Edited by Fubar512

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This image will illustrate what I described in my last post. Notice how the water appears to have depth, particularly in the lower left-hand corner, where one can plainly see the semi-transparent TGA "layers" moving underneath one another.


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Well that mod was made for SF1 series, so I didn't include the vietnamS1 and vietnamS2 as I didn't change the water in it. However TK somehow changed the water in SF2V so the consequence is that outside of shorelines you have different water.

C5 made a fix for that, it was attached in SF2V discussion thread on his subforum...

I should do something for that mod together with CA_Stary to make a simple SF2 install version...

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All TK did was change the shader script slightly, changed the shader name, and then set up the graphics engine so it only recognizes the term ''terWaterShaderDX9" (etc).

He made no changes as to how the shader is effected by its relation to shore tiles or height maps. Dave will verify this, as I've sent him various water shader betas to play with (he is, after all, my preferred crash-test dummy :grin: )

Edited by Fubar512

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Brain, your tiles still look great. Much better than the default.


So Fubar, what would I have to do to get SF2V to recognize the older style bmp? I added it to the DATA file where it mentioned water texture, but it wasn't recognized in game.



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The engine won't recoginze a tile just added to the terrains data ini. It has to be added via the TE creating an TFD file for the terrian.



if named the same as the original S1 and S2 ocean tiles, it just just drop right in, as it already 'knows' to recognize them, and look for them



kevin stein

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if named the same as the original S1 and S2 ocean tiles, it just just drop right in, as it already 'knows' to recognize them, and look for them


Gotcha! Thanks Kevin. I'll try that.

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