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Southside Bucky

Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

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My 10 cents to this discussion are: Flandern terrain is not by me. I made BoB terrain (Battle of Britain) for SFP1. If you want to fly over the english channel (Ärmelkanal in german language) then you can use BoB terrain in FE. It works more or less fine, the only thing would be that the airfields must get a WW1 look.

Generally spoken you can use terrain made for SFP1 in FE, but not the FE made terrain in SFP1.

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Too bad I'm banned from that site... :cool




Huh?...How could they ban ya? :dntknw:


You being such a gentleman 'n all...



Stary, those mountains are utterly magnificent!...You're THE MAN! :yes:

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OK, deactivating the ENB series files does seem to help with the fps and the horizon mod as outlined above. I was using a version of the ENB ini file posted over at 3rdWire that was supposidely specifically tweaked for 3rdWire games.


There are many folks saying it does wonders for fps, best thing since sliced bread in fact :this:, even without the bloom effect activated, but as others say not with XP...


Enjoying the change in scenery, many thanks!!!

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ENBseries -while I'm using for over a year now in jet titles, it does decrease performance in FE significantly, even about 50%. I have it loaded, but deactivate (SHIFT+F12) on mission load. Also the supposed extra fps boost seems system dependent, not in my case anyway.


@Gepard:sorry mate, my mistake, Flanders was made by Edward. And yes, the "jet" maps are usable in FE, not vice versa. It's the heightmap vs. tilemap resolution vs. view distance.


BOB map you say? Would be quite a task to import I guess.

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Its only to replace the WW2 airfields by the WW1 style airfields. Its not a very big job.

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and change the targets to use FE objects

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A Channel terrain would be great if some would take on the task. I dont know anything about terrains and editing. So I depend on you other guysgrin.gif

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