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Hmmmm little white box in the mail.....

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Ok just got the disk in the mail.... installing now ... hope to see you all in the air soon.


oh yea drinks are being servered at the bar ... 1st come first serve till the cabinets are bare. :drinks::blink::drinks::blink::drinks: :yess: :this::lol:

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After my last mission I need a drink! Thanks :D

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"Hmmmm little white box in the mail.....Now what could be in here...porn? WOW its a BH&H disk"


So I got a DVD box in the mail on Thursday, postmarked Denmark. And guess what my lady friend thought?? Yep, you got it...PORN!


Actually it was the entire Series (season 1 & 2) of the 1976/77 BBC TV Series "Wings". I watched about 5 or 6 episodes yesterday and today at work. It's not bad actually...poor quality of course, apparently being dubbed from an old VHS tape or two. But the subject matter isn't bad. Chugging around in an old FE2c in mid 1915, trying to figure out how to defend themselves effectively (there's one troublesome hun who even has a machine gun installed on their plane...AND the observer's cockpit is in the rear of their aircraft, giving him a good field of fire and all). Gor Blimey!


And "our hero" is a sergeant pilot who used to be a blacksmith.

Edited by Check Six

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About time you got here. Now get up to the front and join the 148th Aero, I am losing wingmen like flies out here!

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