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This sim is beautiful but...

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Forgive me for not posting this in the help forum but I really don't need help per se but info from other OFF'ers.


My machine:



GeForce 7950GT Video card

Creative SB Audigy 2 Sound card

Win XP w/ Service Pack 3

Starting OFF w/ Alacrity PC.


This game is beautiful but I get awful stutters. Something popping up/being modeled I presume.

I keep playing with the assorted settings and help pages (yes I've read them all) in a attempt to get the most eye candy at good performance.


Anyway. for anyone with a machine similar to mine:


1) What resolution are you running at?


2) Where do you have your (The 1 to 5 box - clouds, terrain, etc) settings?


Sometimes I think I may be setting things too high but I thought I have an OK machine though I may be wrong. Anyone with a machine very similar to mine please advise what you are running at so I can stop "aiming for the stars" graphics/performance wise or see if its something in my CP.


Thanks in advance!

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did you typed something wrong? ,cause i aint never run across a p3 @ 3.6


But ive run bhah on several computers...slowest probably a 2.8 celeron...2 gigs of pc3200,, and a pci card, and i have never seen stutters...


I would try rabus settings,,,they always seems to work best on older computers......




and there are some different settings that just had a thread,,,,if i find them, i will post them here

Edited by sitting_duck

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Your system should do fine, I'd say.

Make sure any background programs are off.


For configuration, go to "Workshop", "Graphics config" > "File"


There is "Change display options"; set resolution there.


There is also "Custom settings" ; set your sliders there (try 5, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3 there first, go higher if no stutters)


There is also "Window" > and there then: "Overrides" and "Texture Info"

To set those, check the thread "You want more eyecandy?"

Edited by Olham

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Oops...yes a PIV 3.6 MHZ...sorry.


Uncleal - I am certain that my vid card is a PCI - if that makes a difference.

Also your system sounds close to mine - what do you attribute the stutters too - the video system?


My system was "top o' the line" years ago - the vid card and extra RAM I added about two years ago.


Of course computers age like dogs!

Edited by DukeIronHand

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if you can..post YOUR settings from your cfs3config......(screenshots are always nice)



and, what do you get for average fps (the z key tells you in the game)






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if you can..post YOUR settings from your cfs3config......(screenshots are always nice)



and, what do you get for average fps (the z key tells you in the game)


My FPS varies depending on my settings - of course!


I will go back to experimenting - I just wanted to know what someone with a system like mine should be running at so I can stop wasting time tweaking and more time playing.

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finanally found those other settings......


i have not tried them, just posting the info


this is the link to the thread,,,http://forum.combatace.com/want-more-eyecandy-help-users-t46599.html



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Well, if I turn the settings way down the stutters turn into "micropauses" instead. Still playing with the assorted settings so we will see where this goes.


Being a little (ok - a lot) OCD it kind of chaps me that I can't have the settings way up to maximize the eye candy.


I think I have to get out of my mind that this is no longer 8 (?) year old CFS3 but a brand new sim chock full of features - and my CP/Video system may not be up to the job.


Deep down though I wonder if part of this is the "clunky" CFS3 engine.


Maybe its time to switch flight engines for OFF though I would not have a clue as to which one.

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Aye computers age quickly these days unfortunately. Most people can fly fine without stutters - it may be time to move on to a new "PC engine" rather than us redesign the whole software engine of OFF maybe :blink::grin:


OFF is definitely no longer "CFS3" and needs more horsepower to see it in it's glory.


Try the Nvidia settings in the forums, and in the FAQ



Graphic settings/tips@ http://www.overflandersfields.com/Tips.htm


Check what other programs are running in the background sometimes they can cause issues, especially look at SOUND CARD drivers updates (by the way NEVER pay for any drivers, some websites rip you off, alsways go to official website where possible). Very usually sound cards are neglected especially checking for updated drivers. Built in sound cards on older motherboards are usually not great and use too much CPU power.

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just some guesses...


what ver of your nvidia drivers are you running,,,and from what ive seen,,newest isnt always best...


cant see it being your nvidia settings, cause with the system you have , seems like you should be able to set just about everything there on "quality"..


vsync,,always on? (belive it should be)


anything on your machine oc'd or any addons,,,(ie,,do you have 2 monitors..just one video card...)





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DukeIronHand, I have an even lower spec PC than you, I think: 3.4 CPU, 1 Mb RAM, 128 Mb ATI 9800 Pro AGP graphics card, WinXP SP3. I used to get bad stutters and FPS drops within sight of airfields (i.e. almost everywhere), down to single figures, but the devs. took note (I wasn't the only one) and they tweaked something in one of the early patches (thank you!) and I now get smooth play in low 20s FPS most of the time. The important things for me are Ground Object Density = Low (Workshop settings), and both the Terrain Detail and Scenery Detail at 1 in Config. I also 'capped' my FPS at around 25, and this helped to reduce stutter by smoothing out any wild swings. I 'tweaked' the other things in Config. as well, as advised in OFF FAQ, but I think it is the above three things that helped me most. Yes, it doesn't look too good down low - but I can live with that until I get a new PC, and at least all else looks fine :) My settings are:


Aircraft Detail = 4

Terrain Detail = 1

Scenery Detail = 1

Effects Quality = 4

Cloud Quality = 5



Edited by Bletchley

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Alrighty then, now we are cooking with gas.


1) With resolution at 1280 x 960 x32


2) With sliders at:

Aircraft Detail = 5

Terrain Detail = 3

Scenery Detail = 3

Effects Quality = 4

Cloud Quality = 1


3) And Rabu's Nvidia settings minus the AA and AF which are off (which I don't miss - I can't see much difference)


Just did a 4 v 4 dogfight in the rain with no stutters!


Now I have a base to work from. I would like to get clouds to "5" so I will tweak further - and maybe play a damn campaign someday!


Thanks to all for your suggestions.

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I've noticed that the AA settings are pretty important to my game, as aircraft in the mid-distance are actually distinguishable with it, but look like stray dots without it (when I can see them at all).

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