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Subdividing the Skins Database

How Best to Subdivide the Skins Database?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the OFF skins database here at CA be subdivided, and if so, how?

    • No, it's fine as is
    • Subdivide by aircraft manufacturer (Sopwith, Fokker, etc.)
    • Subdivide by aircraft general name (Camel, D.VII, etc.)
    • Subdivide by aircraft specific name (Alb D.III early, Alb D.III, Alb D.III (OAW), etc.)
    • Subdivide by era (early war, mid war, late war)
    • Subdivide by role (scout, bomber, recon, plus whatever else comes along later)
    • Other (explain in post)

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Howdy All-


I just asked Erik, the founder/owner of Combat Ace, if it would be possible for him to subdivide the skins database into several categories to make it easier to find specific skins. He said this is possible, but only wants to do it once. So I've started this poll to see how all the end-users of the database feel. After a couple weeks, I'll send him the results.


Granted, at present you can use the search function, but that's really only good if you now the artist's forum ID, and some of those are a bit unintuitive. Thus, I find it easier to page through stuff. Problem is, this can be difficult when some really prolific skinners uploade several months of (excellent) work.


So, the question is, do you think subdividing the database is a good idea, and if so, how would you do it?


HOWEVER, if doing this would make OBD have to pay more to live here, then speak up and I'll forget I ever mentioned this.


**Edit** ... and remember when you guys come up with an ubber terrific sorting idea, make sure you elect someone to help me sort out the aircraft because honestly I can't tell the difference between a tail wheel and a nose cone when it comes to early era / vintage crates. :this:

Edited by Erik
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I went for the nearest to what I'd suggest, which is to subdivide by specific model and type and then by ace/jasta. I'm hoping that thereby one could home in on a very specific skin but also loosen the criteria to find all skins for a specific model/type.

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I voted for generic model type, that should get you close enough. Modelers should identify the plane by Jasta, or Squadron or whatever to aid in searches of the database.



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I see the need to make a change regarding the database. Here on Combat Ace the First Eagle Skins are sorted out by manufacture or type. It looks good and seems very functional to me. I voted for a step further and would like to see by type. Or maybe a combination of manufacture and type based on the number of skins posted?


Edited by Rickitycrate

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I also voted for specific aircraft name/type, and if then further ID'd by ace/jasta/squadron/esc that would be ideal.





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I voted sub divide by aircraft name..that way we can see which aircraft need attention.


I dont think using Jasta / Squadron name is a good idea..as it restricts scope on non-realism skins

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I second Rickitycrate's vote. The arrangement in the First Eagles download section works just fine for me and it would be a great start. But if it is possible to sort each manufacture with a sub-sub section by type that would be perfect.



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Bump...This is quite important chaps...so take a second

(especially you Skinners!)

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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