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Well guys, I had my height/weight taken today for re-enlistment, and I need to lose 4% body fat. Translate that to body weight, and I need to lose at least 10 pounds. I think I'm going to go on a low carb/high cardio diet and workout for the first 2 weeks since I get weighed in again in that exact time. What do you guys think?

Edited by zagnut

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Don't eat at Quizno's




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Do what I did,

Dont eat the night before,have your physical in the morning, and try to hold your breath.BUT, don't look like you are holding your breath. ;)

Oh,yeah, did you know beer is a diuretic? Remove any water you don't need. :D


Anyway good luck with your carrer

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Live on powerade for one week, in that time frame run 3 miles a day.


I lost 20 lbs this way (in one week mind you)... although I was running in central florida in the summer... translation... atleast 100 degrees and 300% humidity... maybe you can just run in place for a couple hours a day (in a sauna) :lol:


mmmmmmmmmm...pepper bar :D

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