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Hi fellow pilots,

as I am quite new to this sim and although my latest pilot, Herr Mainfeld seems to be quite lucky at the time, I still got problems with the aircraft recongnition. When I am in a dogfight, find it hard to recognize which aircraft I have as an opponent, so I pause the game and I toggle the labels on, just to see the type, and then again toggle labels off. Of course not always, I got some types in my head by now but not everything yet. So, to my question. Normally I see something like " 13 Esc Airman N17" or something like this. But during my last mission, we engaged some Nieuports and when I toggled the labels on to check the type I saw instead of "Airman" , a name before the type. Does this mean that the pilot was an ace or something? Anybody knows?


Thanks for any tipps, itifonhom.

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Yes, he was an ace. It's fun to write the names down in a pause , and check them later

at "The Aerodrome" website. Also, I often write them into my claim reports.

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Ohhh I didn't know that! Actually, there were two aces in a flight of three. Our flight were three Albatri D. II, we were four but lost one pilot to flak, a lot higher and with the sun behind us. I lost track of one wingman and the unknown opponent during the flight but the two aces went down, one for me and one for my wingman!! He was my first ace! Unfortunately I didn't even noticed his name, if only I knew. Maybe I get his name from the Newspaper, is it possible?



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If you have a spare button on your Joystick, why not map it to the toggle labels key?...that way you dont need to pause the game to check out the opposition...I did the same as you when i started, but the joystick button was a good move :drinks:

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you were not alone with problems recognizing aircraft. it happened a lot in real too. often they recognized the aircraft by shape in the distance and by cross or cocard when closer, but sometimes even then they didn't realize who was friend or enemy. there was a story when charles nungesser got attacked by one of his allies and he really had to shot the other pilot down because the other dude simply never realized it was him. in the heat of combat it happend occasionally for sure. rickenbacker wrote it happend once or twice to him he realized he was chasing a friend just at the very last moment before he pulled the trigger.


as we talk about labels i have a question.

as everybody knows labes can be turned on and off in the overrides and in the game. in the distance specks are labeled enemies, when getting closer it shows the aircraft and when close enough, then one can see wich squadron and which pilot if an ace.

i never use labels because it simply kills immersion and shows distant specks, who you probably would have had missed, and i love to find specks by myself, not because of bright labels.

nontheless i would love to see who my mate is who helped me out or from wich squadron the enemy was. but only from very near distance, otherwise everything invisible.

would it be possible to change the setting that the distant labels (enemy, squadron) stay completely invisible, but only the very close label appears. so i still can get surprised or whatever, but only when very close i can identify friend or foe. can the visibility distance can be altered?

i know that several things in the tac can be changed, so probably it would be possible to change distance when a label appears and the more distant labels made completely invisible, too.

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The only time i see a ace's name is following the message' YOUV'E BEEN SHOT DOWN BY' lol.giflol.gif

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I got a button on my joystick for the labels already, my new configuration. I would like to see in the labels the type only too and the pilots name if ace. Or even see the pilots name in the mission review or at an extra screen like "You maybe shot down........". Or if the victory is confirmed, a notice in the dossier.


I still can't believe I shot down an ace! This Erich Mainfeld is really lucky! During his last six missions he's being shot down twice but lived, had two of his D.II destroyed and one mid-air collision with a Nieuport but still made it home! Only one mission in six was without surprises. And that was the one with the French ace!!! OFF is getting better and better!!!




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Red Dog, your dry "one-liners" are killing me! :lol:


Iti - next time remember: note the name. When you're at a front sector with enemy ace Squadrons,

you will probably shoot down another ace soon. My most famous victims so far were Albert Ball

and Hermann Göring.


But be prepared - they will come back. OBD Team decided, that a historical ace should only die on their

historical date of death. I think, that is only right that way. So, you can shoot them down, but they survive

it, go back over the lines and return another day.

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So I see Olham. So just hypothetical, it's possible to shoot down an ace twice, right? That's interesting! But I know what you mean, it's better this way.



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"My most famous victims so far were Albert Ball and Hermann Göring."


Good grief. I trust that was two separate pilots!

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Oh yes, Mighty - otherwise I would have gotten shot for one of them! :grin:

When I shot down Göring (with great pleasure I sank him in the north sea, and he made a huge splash :tease:),

I was Didier de St. Malo, Esc.3, Bergues/Bierne, flying a SPAD XIII in September 1917.

In the same sortie, I also downed Rudolf Klimke from Jasta 27.

(The SPAD XIII is a pleasure to fly now!)

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