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This idea came to me whilst working on the P-61, as the only other RAF nightfighers we have are the Blenheim F1 and 1 or 2 Beaufighters (which oddly, the Beau's are now ctd'ing on me...with aircraftobject.dll)


So, this 'fake' or stand in popped into my head. Now, obviously, it'll need new decals as I'm reusing some from the FBIV Special, and the reskinning isn't quite done (yes, from newly home-made templates, resiezed up to 1024x)


The major drawback is the 'thimble nose' not being quite the right shape, and being visible when you're in the 'no cockpit' view (it's set as a fake pilot seat).


But it works! As did renamin the 'map' node in the cockpit to radar scope, albeit WAAAYYYY to big, but at least you have a semi-working scope in the pit. Also, the pilot now has a chair to sit in <grin>, and the correct slipper tanks have been 'adapted'.


I could even do up an NF.II, if a 3d guy could build the bow & arrow nose transmistter and the 4 small verticle antenna on the wing tips.


any interest, even as is???



kevin stein

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i like it - i like it a lot! clapping.gif seems light years apart from the good old Blenny 1F.........

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