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Win Xp

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I'll be reformating my computer in a couple days. Now, I have two HDs, one 18.65 Gb and one 37.27 Gb. Originally, I was thinking about partitioning off about 6-7 Gb from one and using that as a OS (XP) drive. I wanted this so I could isolate the OS. I would install it, update it, and then not have to mess with those folders anymore (except on the obvious occasion). I think it would just make the computer cleaner and less hassle.


Here was what I was thinking:


C: = System = 7.27 Gb

D: = Programs = 30 Gb

E: = Personal Data = 18.65 Gb




C: = 6.65 Gb

D: = 37.27 Gb

E: = 12 Gb


I wanted to all the system folders onto the C drive, put all my games, extra programs, my "stuff", and such on the D drive, and then use the E drive for personal data. However, my dad told me that in order to play a game with XP, they need to be installed on the same drive as the system, for registry and system file purposes. Is this true? If it is, would option 1 work, as it would be on the same PHYSICAL drive, but not the same partition? Or do I have to live with the system stuff?

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you can install games on the second HD

but i think the first way is better

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I've never had a problem separating OS and programs "logically" (same HD, separate partitions.) I guess it depends on your reasoning for the segregation.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you may find access times running programs a tad slower if the OS and Programs are physically separated (different HDs.) Simply because the Programs will have to access the dlls and system files for operation through the motherboard and drive cables. Then again, maybe not because then you won't have 1 HD almost at capacity with the OS and the Programs.


A friend of mine who is heavy into security has dedicated a separate HD exclusively for his personal data and work. This drive (in the same PC) is not accessible to/from the Internet to increase file integrity. Don't know if you're looking to go that route though or not. If so, let me know and I can speak to my friend further about it.

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I would go with the first except that I would be inclined to give more like 10Gb for XP & swapfile. It's amazing how it can grow with Docs & Settings & those programmes that don't give you the choice to install anywhere but the C drive.

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Well, well, well. Lo and behold I bit the bullet today and bought an 80GB hard drive. 7200 RPM, but just IDE so I will have to be careful when buying my next motherboard (ATA is making headway as we speak.)

So, it appears I'm in a similar boat as you and now have to figure out how to partition accordingly and whether or not I should keep any of my existing HDs on the same computer or just move them over to another system all together.


BUFF makes an excellent point. XP can be a disk hog when it comes to things like multiple profiles, swap files, patches and security updates, etc. It would be incredibly frustrating if several months down the road you run into space issues on the OS partition.


A great suggestion I read on another forum is to Norton Ghost an image of the disk after you have performed a fresh install with the necessary driver udpates and security patches. That way, if you ever have to revert back from a bad driver update or a software install gone wrong, you can do so with ease. Future OS re-installs (which can happen every couple of months) can be performed easily. Not to mention the never-timely, absolutely frustrating HD failure. :blink: I dread the thought of it, but we all know it happens from time to time. The Norton Ghost image will decrease the downtime substantially. I'll be doing this disk image thing with my next OS install.


Hope this helps.

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Well, I've reformatted, and here's what I did. I did the first choice, with 7.96 Gb for the OS, 29.2 Gb for the Programs, and the other HD for data. So far its working well, I still have 4.5 Gb on the OS drive after all the updates and stuff. I'm only gonna have it for about 5-6 months, so this should work well for me.

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Excellent! Glad to see it's all worked out well for you.

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