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Cedric Nelson's Campaign Still Continues, Despite the Odds

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Greetings All,


I'm likely going to regret this due to the OFF jinx of even mentioning how long a campaign has gone, but after my last mission with 29 RFC flying the DH2's in which I was presented my fourth DFC I just had to tempt the fates.







It has been four months to the day for Cedric and still he lives, even after numerous crashes, forced landings, destroyed planes, and stays in the hospital. Based on the averages I fear time may be running out for the brave yet cautious Major. He and his squad mates will be partying this evening while the opportunity to do so still exists. Tomorrow may see the end of Cedric Nelson...or he may live to see the bloody war's end...who knows.







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Wow - an impressive time and kill tally! So you would say too, that the DH-2 isn't really bad?

When I fight them, they seem quite agile.

I hope for your pilot, he won't get jinxed by this exposure - Rumpf- und Flügelbruch, Lou (anti-jinx)!

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Wow, that's really amazing! And all this in a DH2!! As it seems the Major defies the odds, keep being carefull and stay alert, although I wouldn't like to see you behind me.



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Hey, thanks for the anti-jinx Olham, I'll take all the help I can get.


And thank you itifonhom for the advice. Be alert! The world needs more lerts. :biggrin:



I think if you spend enough time getting to know the DH2's little "tells" it can be a real fighter in the early war. That being said, my flight and I will soon be finding ourselves going up against the Alb DII's, and that will be a whole new challenge.





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Hey, thanks for the anti-jinx Olham, I'll take all the help I can get.


And thank you itifonhom for the advice. Be alert! The world needs more lerts. biggrin.gif



I think if you spend enough time getting to know the DH2's little "tells" it can be a real fighter in the early war. That being said, my flight and I will soon be finding ourselves going up against the Alb DII's, and that will be a whole new challenge.






Good luck, Lou. You can beat the odds!!! Take out another for your Swedish cousin, Lt. Nataniel Larson who is resting peacefullygood.gif

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Cue the obituary post for Cedric Nelson in 3...2...1... ;)


Seriously though, that's an impressive tally. Well done mate! :)

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4 Months and 46 Hours in a DH2!

Outstanding Lou Salute.gifclapping.gif

You're an inspiration to us all

Good Luck with those Albatross

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Alas Lou, you've a little under four months left at best... judging by the pilot photo. :grin:


It may be in part why you're doing so well, of course... his spirit watching over you. Just keep your eyes extremely well peeled come 23rd November over Bapaume... or best of all stay on the ground. He didn't have to fly that day... maybe you shouldn't either. If you last that long of course.


Almost tempts me to try the DH2 again, myself.

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Dej, it seemed fitting somehow to use his photo for this my first DH2 campaign. And I was thinking of going on leave in about 3 1/2 months, as history does have a nasty habit of repeating itself. :wink:




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You've done better than he in those few months, so it'd be great if you pushed on past November. I'm sure he'd be proud of you.


I'm not a spiritualist nor have any religion of any sort, but I have to say the Devs have delivered the shock of war to us, even if we are, thankfully, spared the horror.


It's so hard to survive simply flying the beasts, the longer one lasts or the more one plays the greater the exposure... it's a shock when you collide with your wingman or see him wiped from the sky by archie, or suddenly find oneself spinning down with no notion of what happened.


I say the above to illustrate that I, personally, feel a greater affinity with those brave men of the Great Air War in playing OFF than I'd experienced before, even though my experience of it is dwarfed by the true reality of theirs.


Huge thanks to the dev team for bringing me just that little bit closer.


Apologies for the slight hijack there.

Edited by Dej

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No need for apologies Dej, I feel the same way. I have studied the Great War in general, and it's aerial aspects in particular, for a good number of years, and I've never felt closer to what it must have been like for our WWI counterparts than I do now. That is directly related to the quality of this sim. When I prepare for a mission, ready the maps, check the route and assignments, and take to the air, I get a small insight into that same sense of exhilaration and foreboding that those brave men must have felt. Flying my kite up and over the lines; using only what few instruments I have in the cockpit; trying not to get lost; doing my best to avoid Archie; and always, always, always, craning my neck in an effort to see the enemy before they see me; it's no wonder pilots landed totally exhausted, with nerves frayed to the breaking point. Then you throw in the dogfights and it's a miracle any Great War flyer managed to survive at all. But survive they did, and kept a sense of humour about the whole affair as well. They were all cut from stronger cloth. I don't know that I would have fared as well in the real thing, but I am glad for the opportunity to at least try to emulate their brave and thrilling actions in this scenario and see how I measure up, at least in the virtual skies.


I join Dej and again give a salute to the devs of this amazing sim, and to the brave airmen of WWI who inspire us all.









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