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Saitek has new high end HOTAS too!

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I guess this is their answer to the G940.

It looks like it might be cool, but at a glance not having tried either stick in person, I think the G940 wins hands down: Force Feedback!

Real pilots hated the non-moving force sensing sticks on the F-16, so the sticks were modified to move a little bit.

I haven't tried such sticks, but I suspect I would prefer to have a stick that moves.


With no force feedback and no movement, I can't see where I would ever choose this stick over the G940 unless there was a huge price difference and I was on a tight budget.

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Also this stick uses twist grip for rudders instead of a separate pedal unit. Some people may like that, I'm not one of them.

For the same price as the Logi set you can also get all 3 of CH's pieces including the pedals.

Besides, I think this stick only would work well if you flew modern jet sims only. Others that I play like Black Shark, Il-2, CFS3, and all of TK's sims just work better with a moving stick. Especially the WWI planes!!

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