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i downloaded the snowynorway terrain to my SF2E install and its great but for one prob......i have no runways! tower aircraft shelters and fuel trucks are there but nothing else. is the weather there that bad or am i missin something here?blink.gif

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Yes, the weather is THAT bad. :rofl:




they've been painted to match the surrounding terrain to camoflague them from "prying eyes"




most likely, you've not got the cat pointer line looking at the proper Stock Terrain Cat ™


Add the following lines to the SnowyNorway.ini (or whatever the main ini is called), at the bottom of the top section, the [Terrain] section






These are the standard lines I use on ALL my terrain mods, so you can just comment or uncomment the pointer for the STC ™.

If you've installed to WoE, use the GermanyCE.cat line.



kevin stein

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Yes, the weather is THAT bad. rofl.gif




they've been painted to match the surrounding terrain to camoflague them from "prying eyes"




in winter they paint the whole country white so that the snow isn't too obvious....heat.gif



Hou doe



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first at wrench and derk ha ha ha hagrin.gif at wrench your last idea there worked the snow blowers came out and i can see the runways now beforeand after thank you very much. however a new question how do i populate the airfields like in the stock GermanyCE terrian? where do i find this line and what do i need to change? as always i appreciate ya'lls help(and humor!) btw this sim kicks a$$ if no one mentioned it

Edited by daddyairplanes

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Guest ansons2

first at wrench and derk ha ha ha hagrin.gif at wrench your last idea there worked the snow blowers came out and i can see the runways now beforeand after thank you very much. however a new question how do i populate the airfields like in the stock GermanyCE terrian? where do i find this line and what do i need to change? as always i appreciate ya'lls help(and humor!) btw this sim kicks a$$ if no one mentioned it


:grin: Hi daddyairplanes,


if you rename the airfieldxx.ini in the terrain folder to something different (ex: airfieldxx_old.ini), the game will use the default ones

you will then get the airfields populated with aircrafts. That trick should do the job.


Best regards



Edited by ansons2

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appreciate the response anson but neither changing airfield1-6 to 1-6_old, removing the airfield files from the terrain or removing the aircrafttarget.ini did the trick. thank you for responding so quickly tho



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Guest Eject

:salute:Guys, especially Wrench, ur remarks above haleped me decide whether of not it's worth DL-ing this terrain. Nwo I shall just do it. In addition, Question please (might sound real dumb to u). So, the UNCOMMENTED one (of of the lines in CAT) is the working one, or the other way around?? Pardon my ignorance Kevin. Btw, I visited many times ur Birds Farm. My personal questions is, Why do you like very mouch birds of WW II Kevin??? Was ur dad a USAF pilot then??? Thanks:good:

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Guest Eject

:salute:I just added some useful info for you guys, but forgot to save it when my upload failed!


This, hopefully work well. The upload:


Uh, oh! I have used up all my upload allotment. How aand when I will get the new 3MB Dave? The WORD doc I am about to upload is just 930s kb, several screen shots of said issues above, important for Wrench to see. Where can I find the Admin's email? Problem is I forgot, again and again, my password at Yahoo.


Re: Runway covered by heavy snow, let me offer a simple clue. Use the Hi_Res_Rnwy_V2 that is DL-able here somewhere. The GermanyCE added as Wrence said produced much better view of the sea, from one covered by ice all over, to a more realistic one with large chunks of frozen ize floating.


The negative side tho, in my case at least, it also produced LAKES in the frozen Norway. Additionally, the new Hi-Res Runway also brought fort a hillarious scene: TREES at the end of the runway and the adjecent parking lot for the planes! Yet, it is worth trying folks.....


To bad I cannot upload the doc containing several screen shots of some issues in it.:no:

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@ eject the uncommented lines are the ones that work not the commented(//xxxxx.ini). they get commented for quick and easy change up as i understand it. that set me straight for therunways the game was looking for files in the desert terrian which i dont have.(SF2E only here) as for the trees i had noticed the same thing one time flying from an enemy airbase. was trying out the Il-76 and thought i had started in the forest! i have not noticed this with the friendly airbases and dont fly red air too often. grin.gif myself i think this is a kicska$$ terrian and find myself doing my skin and WOE to SF2E conversion testing in the terrian since i got it working. hmm 3 months left here good time to figure out how to create a campaign maybe? hehehe

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Hence the need to actually READ the readmes (and to have modders actually WRITE detailed readmes). Now, in my case, with my terrain mods, there's a WHOLE section in the readme devoted to ....



-Selecting the Proper CAT file to use:


Right now, as stated, it's set up to use the WoE GermanyCE.cat. WoE users need do nothing further at this point. Go fly!


--For SF & WoV users:


Open the ASW ini in your text editor of choice....

As you can see in the example below, copied directly from the ASW.ini, all the needed cat pointer lines are listed, just not activated



TerrainFullName=American South West















You'll note the commented out lines for SF's Desert.cat, and WoV's VietnamSEA.cat. You just simply 'uncomment' them - remove the double slashes (//), and add them to the Desert line. It should look like the examples below:


For SF (and probably SF2, although I'm not quite sure):






Same thing for WoV users, but using the Vietnam cat:






You shouldn't have any problems getting it to work.... if you do, you've simply not followed instructions.


Can't be stated any clearer than that.



kevin stein

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