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Cryptic Message

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At the height of the stock market meltdown during the Autumn of 2008, an executive at a large trading firm kept receiving text messages and emails from an irate client. They were all the same, nothing more than a cryptic, and seemingly undecipherable alpha-numeric sequence:


370HSSV 0773H


The executive kept pondering the meaning of this. He checked through thousands of transactions and account numbers, and could not find a match.


Finally, during a board meeting, his cell phone buzzed with an incoming text message, and again, he saw the strange message: 370HSSV 0773H. Baffled and upset, the exec showed the message to his colleagues, who were just as perplexed. One of them jotted down the sequence, and handed the slip to a young intern, who deciphered it instantly. "You've been reading it upside down", he proclaimed. : )

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