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Help needed with super-patch.

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I've installed CFS3 and OFF on my d-drive (I'm keeping the OS, games and the page-file separated on three different drives). When I go to install the patch it tells me it can't find the path. I have the option to point the patch-install to the correct location but I have no idea to what I should point it. I guessed the OFF Manager but I don't want to screw something up, so...help! And would the same answer be true for the mini-patch too?


TIA. :)


Forget it, I WAS being thick. It was the lack of the RAR program causing the problem. Duh. :blink:

Edited by Siggi

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Siggi, you made me happy after a rather greyish day.

I'm sure, a guy who runs (or did run) a motorbike like you, is one of the

fast and wide awake sort, if you know what I mean.

And that even you have misunderstandings with your rig occasionally, really comforts me. :drinks:

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Siggi, you made me happy after a rather greyish day.

I'm sure, a guy who runs (or did run) a motorbike like you, is one of the

fast and wide awake sort, if you know what I mean.

And that even you have misunderstandings with your rig occasionally, really comforts me. :drinks:


I quite often suffer with the 'thousand yard stare' with this rig. :grin:

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default directory is c:\obdsoftware\etc etc....


so,,if you installed to d,,you should point to d:\obdsoftware...


if..for some reason you installed it in a folder called programfiles on your d drive,,,then you would point it to d:\programfiles\obdsoftware


if,,for some reason,,you renamed the install directory,,lets say to BHAH,,then you would point it to d:\bhah


cant belive the patch install does not have the capability to find the obdsoftware folder,,no matter what drive you put it on,,,gonna assume you either renamed the install directory,,,or,,,you put it in another folder...

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default directory is c:\obdsoftware\etc etc....


so,,if you installed to d,,you should point to d:\obdsoftware...


if..for some reason you installed it in a folder called programfiles on your d drive,,,then you would point it to d:\programfiles\obdsoftware


if,,for some reason,,you renamed the install directory,,lets say to BHAH,,then you would point it to d:\bhah


cant belive the patch install does not have the capability to find the obdsoftware folder,,no matter what drive you put it on,,,gonna assume you either renamed the install directory,,,or,,,you put it in another folder...


It does automatically find the game's install location. As edited into my OP the problem I had (and mis-identified) was not having a RAR-reader on my PC.

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LOL, sometimes a small sting in the lions paw can make him completely harmless...

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