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The Final Countdown

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Anyone remember this movie?


I saw it when it was still in the theatres, back in 1980. It was released on DVD a few years back, but the soundtrack and video was horrible.


March 30th, a new release will be available from a different company, Blue Underground. Two different DVDs are available. Same movie, but one has a bonus cd with bios, etc.....; and the other DVD does not.




Without the extra DVD, it is about $13.95 at :




I also saw it listed on Amazon.com


This was a great movie for its time. Definitely a recruiting boost for the Navy!


Navy Chief

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I saw it...great movie.

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Cool, now all I need is a Flight of the Intruder DVD and I'm set.

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YES!!!! I love this movie, me and my Dad always used to watch it on rainy sunday afternoons, nothing like Tomcats splashing Zeroes to cheer you up!

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