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Help with campaign loadouts

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I have been trying to add the pave spike to the canadian 421 squadron in the awesome NF4+ mod and, (beeing the 1st time ive tried any ini editing in the second gen sims) I noticed that the squadron loadouts are not at the bottom of the ini entry for the campaign. Can someone tell me where to find this entry or how to add the pave spike to the squadrons loadout





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is pave spike available for the aircraft? first you may want to check the data.ini for the aircraft and the availble years for pave spike and export of pave spike in its data ini. historically i dont think we released it for export until 1990 and am pretty sure we didnt sell any to the canadians. however check those two items first and if they are availble add to the loadout.ini for the aircraft. that will make it availble to the squadron(they wouldnt stock anything they couldnt use)

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check the data.ini of the aircraft and the pave spike pod its self. if the aircraft was not cleared for designating pods or pave spike was not cleared for export in the campaign year then it will not show. once those are set straight then adjust the aircrafts loadout.ini and it will show in your loadout screen.

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I think you can still use the old supply entries - SF2I still does in its campaigns













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Ok just had a look and I couldnt seem to find the Pave spike in the weapons folder, however I found the pave tack. Is this a designator? The reason im asking is the squadron has GBU10s and GBU12s in its loadout but I cant use them due to the lack of a designator for the aircraft.


Thanks for the quick reply Daddyairplanes





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Sorry to waste your time guys but it looks like I sorted it. I edited the aircrafts ini to allow the centerline station to hold LP (laser pods) And they have automatically appeared in the campaign loadout.


Thanks for your help anyhow



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not a prob. but Pave Tack!?!?!?!?!?! what are ya flying? pave tack was only flown on F-4s as an external pod and F-111s mounted in the bomb bay. it is big enough most phantom crews referred to it as pave drag. i would stick to the pave spike which was small enough to be mounted in the sparrow bay of a phantom with an adapter.

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The pave spike appeared in the campaign loadouts aswell after editing the aircraft ini. Sorry I forgot to mention that the aircraft is the CF-18 Hornet. I manually added the pave tack to the squadron but now that the spike is there I have no intention of using it. Going to take it out now actually.


Thanks for your help anyway guys




P.S. As an afterthought can anyone from the NF4+ team clarify whether the loadout is correct for the squadron. They have GBU's but are unable to use them due to a lack of designator. Just wondering if this has been overlooked or something. Excellent work though. Started a few campaigns and im loving it....

Edited by MaverickMike

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