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Pappa Goat

OFF Questions

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Looking at purchasing OFF, but not living in the US it'll cost that bit extra.


I had a few questions out of curiosity.


1. In aircraft with two forward firing machine guns, is it possible to fire them separately as one could in the real airframes?


2. What ground units are there in terms of infantry in column, advancing, or in trenches, or pillboxes and machine gun nests and do they fire at you? In other worst is there more AA than just flak? If you fly low over an enemy trench will anything happen?


3. If you are in a fighter or bomber with men manning machine guns eg FE2b, RE8 that operate and fire independently of you, can they likewise be killed? Do the damage models include the pilot or any other gunners being killed?

Edited by Pappa Goat

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Looking at purchasing OFF, but not living in the US it'll cost that bit extra.


I had a few questions out of curiosity.


1. In aircraft with two forward firing machine guns, is it possible to fire them separately as one could in the real airframes?


2. What ground units are there in terms of infantry in column, advancing, or in trenches, or pillboxes and machine gun nests and do they fire at you? In other worst is there more AA than just flak? If you fly low over an enemy trench will anything happen?


3. If you are in a fighter or bomber with men manning machine guns eg FE2b, RE8 that operate and fire independently of you, can they likewise be killed? Do the damage models include the pilot or any other gunners being killed?


1) Only if one jams.


2) I've seen troops only marching on roads and at airfields manning AA. There are also trucks, tanks and trains. If you fly low over any enemy territory you will be engaged by any MGs and rifles within range.


3) Yes, all and any crew can be killed.

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Looking at purchasing OFF, but not living in the US it'll cost that bit extra.


I had a few questions out of curiosity.


1. In aircraft with two forward firing machine guns, is it possible to fire them separately as one could in the real airframes?


2. What ground units are there in terms of infantry in column, advancing, or in trenches, or pillboxes and machine gun nests and do they fire at you? In other worst is there more AA than just flak? If you fly low over an enemy trench will anything happen?


3. If you are in a fighter or bomber with men manning machine guns eg FE2b, RE8 that operate and fire independently of you, can they likewise be killed? Do the damage models include the pilot or any other gunners being killed?


Welcome Pappa Goat...


I'll make it short and to the point...


1. No. Only if one jams like Siggi said.

2. Plenty. They are marching, fighting in trenches, standing the the woods with sniper rifles, at the aerodromes, etc. Yes, they do fire at you and if you stay low over the trenches, you WILL die.

3. Yes, totally independent. Your rear gunner will work hard to cover your behind, and he can be killed. But by then, you're probably on fire and going down anyway.


There are little things that we can't/couldn't do... not many of them, but a few. BUT the deep immersion factor and the huge amount of historical information and beautiful high/low level scenery graphics more than makes up for not being able to shoot individual MG's.


Jump in! The water is great!



Edited by OvS

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Thanks for the quick reply, sounds awesome, I'm in!


Go for it mate..


I have no regrets about buying it.


If you enjoyed the oldies like Microprose's Knights of the Sky, Red Baron and Red Baron 2 you will find this amazing..

More seems to be added all the time in patches. I cant believe its still CFS 3 under the hood because what a bloody aweful sim that is. OFF is simply amazing. Best WW1 sim ever in my openion.


Good Hunting o/

Edited by Pappy55

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I flew over some cavalry not that long ago while campaigning in 1916. I've also strafed columns of infantry along the road ways, and have been riddled by ground fire. Another awsome aspect of the game is you have a myriad of settings you can select variances from to establish your own level of immersion. Right now, quite a few of us have immersed ourselves in a special DiD (Dead is Dead) campaign, organised by Siggi, flying one real day= one game day (we've started on 29 October 2009, and in game we're historical campaigning starting on 29 October 1916). Check out the thread if you are interested in immersion. Oh, and welcome! drinks.gif

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good.gif OFF is one of the few games thats worth the Time and effort involved. Total immersion. Not to mention The total support of the forum. Its awsome and great fun.



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You can fire the guns seperately on the SE5A between the single Vickers and the Lewis. I don't know of any others.

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