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DiD Campaign Pilot Log Entries of Roger Reddog (beginning 29/10/1916)

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W4180 - 778 20,000 - 6/16 . . . 10432 - M1070 30,000 - 10/16 . . . (HWWP1484/1) Forms/W3318/2 . . . RNAS Form W. 3348.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





Squadron: B Sqdn 1 Wing, (attached to RNAS-2)


Type and No. of Aircraft: Sop. Strutter B1, 5 in flight


Pilot: Flt Lt. Roger Reddog


Observer: None


Locality: St. Pol Sur-Mer


Date: 29 October 1916


Time: 08:50


Duty: Bombing


Height: 12,000'




The flight all took off at 0855 and formed up over the field to an height of 6000ft before heading for the lines.We were joined by the chaps from 60Sqd'n in their Nieups which was a sight to behold.The weather was patchy cloud.We climbed to 12000ft and made good time due to a west wind.Just north of St Eloi at about 0920hrs the nieups broke off to chase a german flight below us.At this point a second flight of German aircraft approached from a greater height and dove onto our flight.In the dog fight that broke out i managed to get a good bead on one of the German fliers and sent him down in flames, this was witnessed by the rest of the flight.The bosche then made a b-line for the ground and we reformed at the mission altitude.At 0935hrs the 60Sqd'n boy's again had to chase a enemy flight away which was taking a look at us from a safe distance.At 0955hrs the target came in to site and i gave the order to attack, i lead and got down to 500ft before dropping my bombs at which point the sky filled with MG tracer so i made a quick retreat to the west.Looking behind as we headed home i could see smoke coming from the rail yard.At 1012hrs i had to put down at Courceues airfield due to engine and fuel trouble.


Flt Lt R.Reddog.

Edited by Red-Dog

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Cheers Siggi. Salute.gif

That looks fine and dandy.

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Hi, Red Dog


I think, Siggi meant, that you should follow the proceedure of transmitting your data to him,

as explained in his website - otherwise the killboard will show zero sorties forever.


I's like to invite you to post in the "Krauts vs Crumpets" thread, that Lou and I have installed?

We thought it would be nicer, when we all post in one thread, so we see each others deeds

far better, and have a nicer exchange of gossip and banter.

Edited by Olham

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