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Campaign squadrons edits

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Hi all!


My question today is fairly simple I guess. I am trying to edit my campaigns insofar as squadron service. I know that VF-114 served in Vietnam for 5 sperate cruises and I wanted to put them into the Campaign. I started snooping and found that I could get the squadron to come up as an option on the main screen for squadron selection in the campiagn, but I can't find the list of squadron values. I thought that it would be sequential like the skins, but my first attempt resulted in an O-1 campaign that didn't load since it's not flyable for me. I also thought about adding a Marine Corps land A-6 squadron. How do I find the list of squadron values so I can add squadrons to the campaigns?


Thanks again everyone. This community is very helpful!



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Which game are you playing? Wings Over Vietnam or Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam?


VF114 is already included in the Rolling Thunder and Linebacker I campaigns for both games. In WoV, however, that squadron is not player-flyable by default.


Eric L. Howes

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What campaign editor are you using. There was a Dynamic Campaign Editor (DCE) that was a pretty good tool. It was fairly easy to use and you could add just about any type aircraft and squadron you wished. You could also set the start date you wanted the squadron to show up. I am not sure if this program is still in the library.

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I'm using WOV, patched of course. I haven't tried a campaign editor. Is it something I download?

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Ok, I will try it when I get home. Thank you all again for helping me out!!



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