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Guest Eject

Adding the Cannons (shooting) Range

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Guest Eject


I have been curious if we can increase the range of whatever cannons in any planes.

We know that the heavier (larger calibers) the projectiles/bullets, the stronger as well the wind resistance, therefore, smaller bullets can travel faster (higher velocity) and longer, yet also with less punching power (kindly search guns&ammo or handguns, and read some articles in the mags re ballistic tests). E.g., a .22cal pellet dome point) has bigger punch on a target, but drops faster v smaller caliber ones as it travels. E.g., from a 3-inch barrel of a 45ACP semi-auto, it never reaches the 1000 fps (feet per minutes).


While its smaller 'brothers,' the .9.mm parabellum/NATO (9x19), from same length of a barrel can travel faster, more straight and longer distance (see in U-tube the effect of some .45ACP shot from a new -- 1998 -- sub-machine gun by an American gun manufacturer called the "KRISS," so named after the legendary Indonesian traditional dagger the KERIS), yet the .9mm even if it is "fueled" the with +P (Plus P, means more potent explosives in the casing, so much more bang that not every barrel can withstand except ones made of titanium) could not drop same siluate (Man! I forgot the correct spelling) targets from 25-50 yards away. The .45ACP shot from the new KRISS (rapid fire), could easily drop the metal target.


In our planes, there the 20mm, 23, 30, 37, and 50cal bullets in some cannons.


My question: can we, in data.ini perhaps do some "tweaks" that our cannon can shoot longer distance, say, beyond 1K meter? I could never drop any enemy jets from beyond 1K meters. I wish I could, say, did it from 1.3 or even 1.6 meters awat, in particular when my short-m medium-, and longe-range missiles had all been exhausted/used.


Thank u for any inputs. This post in said subject may be more appropriate for WHAT IF? Pardon my typos...

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Have you tried bringing up the muzzle velocity of the guns? IIRC the shooting range was still the same on my 40mm laser cannon what-if, so it's maybe hardcoded in game then...(although we can specify the bullet's caliber, weight, and its velocity). I believe barrel length also involved if you want to get additional range, and no such thing exist in the gundata.ini. Other modders, please correct me it I'm wrong.. :unsure:

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It's mainly the muzzle velocity, because you only specify the point where the bullet leaves the "point" and goes from there.

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As far as air to air engagements go, in my opinion the cannon is wonderful to have at under 0.5NM but beyond that I find myself simply wasting ammo. the best advice is "aim small hit small". At shorter range your piper is centered

on a defined region of the target, at extreme range your piper covers much of or all of the target. You must also lead your target and compensate for trajectory, at short range this is not a problem at all. At long range its a huge issue.

Edited by Icarus999

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Guest Eject
  On 11/3/2009 at 9:36 PM, Icarus999 said:

As far as air to air engagements go, in my opinion the cannon is wonderful to have at under 0.5NM but beyond that I find myself simply wasting ammo. the best advice is "aim small hit small". At shorter range your piper is centered

on a defined region of the target, at extreme range your piper covers much of or all of the target. You must also lead your target and compensate for trajectory, at short range this is not a problem at all. At long range its a huge issue.


I agree. Muzzle vel. is important, so is the barrel length. However, I still found it useful to be able to drop any fleeing enemy plane using my 23mm or 30mm cannons, beyond 1Km away -- especially when my missiles were all used up. Sometimes, I just wanna punish the enemy plane whose pilot had killed my Wingman/other man in the squadron while I had been away chasing an other interceptor. I recall I have made such kills, twice or three times on such an 'air brawl', where I smashed to bits to enemy planes from 1Km....


Thanks for your inputs. Let us move on to other sibjects of interest.:salute:

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